Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Dog and Cat

Keesha, a Springer Spaniel (field dog type, bred to run all day, a high energy dog), and Tigger, who is Tiggy, or sometimes Tiggles, a black cat with some white markings (a thin and long cat with a tail long enough for him to catch).

Keesha was born August 25, 1999. Tiggy was born March 4, 1997. Some dates are too important to forget.

Keesha's bed blanket is many layers thick. Because it's snowy outside, it's even more layered than usual - beginning with a waterproof crib blanket, maybe 4 layers of fleece, a down baby comforter, a halofil comforter, and 2 or 3 towels. Don't ask. She likes it soft. An aging dog.

Tiggy *never* sits near Keesha, and *never* has anything to do with her. Yet he came, and slept like this, on Keesha's dog bed (that's on the bed, yes, yes, I know) for a long time.

Snap, snap with the iPhone.

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Is there still a blogging community?

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