Saturday, August 12, 2006

Salvia Sclarea, a most interesting perfume

It's a small raised red mound on my forearm. Because I've scratched it with my nails, nails that no longer break now that I drink fluoridated tap water, it hasn't healed. It's a tiny hot spot, like someone's running a faint electrical charge through it. I hold a bottle of essential oil over it and watch a drop of thick amber liquid seep over the redness. Clary Sage Oil, I swear it takes the itch of insect bites away and they heal. How often have I been good about not scratching only to give in in the morning in bed and vigorously rub one ankle with the other toe? And find I've drawn blood?

I read the bottle. Salvia sclarea eases mental fatigue, isn't that also good?

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  1. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Brenda, try Aloe Vera gel, it instantly stops itching and is healing as well. Good luck.

  2. Natalie, you are absolutely right, and I'll see if an Aloe Vera plant will grow here. It's the most refreshing, healing balm imaginable!

  3. I am the ankle scratcher with the other toe! Glad to meet you!

    I don't know if you can find this in Canada or not but SARNA lotion, which we can buy at the local pharmacy, is the best - absolutely the BEST - remedy for itching. I learned this when I had shingles and now am never without it. No prescription needed. I use it weekly for something - some insect bite or itchy place on my arm, foot, ankle, leg. I even keep a tiny container in my purse for itchy emergencies! ;)


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