Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Muse Calling

One of those days, where I've meditated almost without choice, pulled easily in, and where I keep trying to enter the external day. I am tired. Is it because I've only eaten fruit, cheese, antipasto, and toasted multi-grain walnut bread for the past few days, and my body needs meat even if I don't get around to cooking it more than once or twice a week; or is it financial, I expected to be working more this month than I have; or is it emotional, with some strange responses from women to my output that leaves a discomfort that requires rest to heal; or, as I reach down deeper, is it creative? Is my muse pulling me into somnambulance, the place from where I write, even though today is not a 'writing day.' As I wander about, intermittently laugh or argue about writing with my daughter, I have an odd sense of writing emerging. Why can't my life go on when this happens? I have so many things to do...

An image of a great frozen polar cap shifting, the voluminous depth of the mind working things out in its billions of neural connections, and when it's ready, a piece of writing breaking off like an ice flow, and floating into the ocean where it melts eventually into all the other words.

Is this a Zen of writing?

Do all of our words flow together when we've shut off our computers and closed our books? Into a great linguistic ocean sweeping the globe?


  1. I enjoyed the image of the polar cap. The way creative work happens is completely mysterious and variable to me.

  2. MB, it would be a nice opposite to the drought, heat and forest fires where you are! (Which is also an image of creativity :)

  3. The words are just the 'husks' of the moments when they were made.

    Do the words all flow together?Sure. The word husks all flow together into a great cacaphony...maybe, sometimes, a euphony.

  4. I like that, Chuck, "'husks' of the moments"... and how sometimes they do flow together into a euphony is amazing if you think about it. Thanks!


Is there still a blogging community?

It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...