a peace tree
where the wind moves
pieces of woven material
lanterns of love
And then I lifted myself, and it was bright.
And I saw them flutter
collected against a plum wall
a rainbow of ribbons, banners
prayer flags, lungta.
Weavings of spirit and meaning, desire and effort, care and consideration, and tears. Knot us, our dreams and hopes and those we love, together; please don't separate us...
Here is my prayer ribbon, gentle reminder to the great spiritual forces that I am here, needing too.
On trees all over the world, prayers for peace. I tie white prayer flags onto the trees out back. For all the wars, conflagrations, battles, arguments, violences.
I pray for inner peace.
To be knitted into my world; to be woven into the continuous strands of the sacred song that our prayers are.
Hold me tight.
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