Friday, March 31, 2006

Five words to describe ourselves

My friend Prudy had a most interesting dialogue at her site. She had her readers pick five words to describe themselves. And in the next post she responded to everyone's description, see here. Relationships in the blogging world can be as rich and complex as day-to-day connections!

My five words were hard. I wanted to describe my life at present, my state of mind. But qualities are more fixed, stones in the sweeping current, places where you can safely put your feet as you cross. The five words feel vague and, oh, here they are: responsible, careful, creative, compassionate, sensual.

Prudy's response: "I know this woman pretty well, as I've read her closely for about as long as I've been on here and I've talked with her several times. I was surprised by her description and she's the first one to do so. There isn't anything this woman can't write. I prefer her in first person but she is stubborn. And I know I'm supposed to pick five words and then shut up but this one is going to take some time. She gets the most generous commenter award, I think we'd all agree. I once told her I waited for her to tell me what I'd written. When I first read her she was writing poetry. I think it became more prose poetry. Rich is what I called it. Then she started a book. Then she started doing Podcasts of essays and some of her poetry. The minute her voice hit the words they became jewels. What I liked just as much were the extemporaneous preludes she charmed us with, her voice lilting, laughing. I don't know why but I was surprised by her keen intellect and academic prowess. I think she must have toned it down for me:)

All along she'd been painting. She does amazing work with vibrant color and with subjects to my taste as she is similarly spiritual and sensual. Okay. Lyrical, brave, open, compassionate, joyful."

Posted 3/30/2006 at 12:39 AM by ydurp

I have been so low these last days that this picked me up and I thank you, Pru. For being the friend you are...

You can leave five words to describe yourself here. I'll respond as best as I can.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, my sole honeypie commenter!

    When I first encountered Ken was doing a technorati search of webpages that linked here. I found this guy, Ken, who did what looked like a techie blog, linking to my prose poetry, and I wondered what attracted him. Anyway, I immediately added Digital Common Sense to my bloglines blog roll on the theory that one favour deserves an equal one in return. So I read him for probably nearly a year before finally commenting on one of the adorable photographs of his grandson. And then, on occasion, ken began leaving beautiful, insightful, warm comments at my site. Sometimes we email. We're on our way to becoming friends, and it feels wonderful. As for five words to describe Ken, hmnnn... not so easy. Knowledgeable, caring, warm, equal poetic/technical writer, loyal. And sensitive, a good person. But that's more than 5 adjectives, isn't it? :)


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