Monday, March 20, 2006

Abandoned Bouquet

Push-pull confuses me. Especially the push-away.

We hurt each other with rejection.

The force with which we can expel each other. Turning the other into an object of non-importance, an unwanted essence. The ability to savour, to honour, to love: the self, others, the world, damaged. But love doesn't happen in isolation. Maybe some have their lists of good and bad. But it's not that easy. It's not that this person, or people, state of mind, area of interest is safe, acceptable and all else needs to be distanced. Isn't that possession? And possessions can be lost. If they're people, they can leave; if they're belief systems or areas, we can become profoundly disenchanted. Then where are we? In angry rebuttal to the world that we clearly divided between acceptable and not. Between people who counted and those who didn't. Between an arbitrary definition of the good and the not-good. So what do we do? Do we cling more tightly to our safe constructed categories of who is and who isn't even when they might betray us, or do we give way and open out to the mystery that has no name, is amorphous, all-pervading, without judgement? A light that shines everywhere without discrimination. If we could spend one year of our lives not rejecting what would happen? Would it open out in magnificent ways, this ability to love?

Or would be we overwhelmed? Is the push-pull, rejection-acceptance, necessary for homeostasis, for balance?

Breathe in; breathe out.

As I tell my yoga students, make sure your in-breath and out-breath are equal - that what you take in and what you give out balance.

But. Push-pull. Wound-heal. Why do I do this? Is there no other way?


  1. thank you, mb, but I am guilty of this myself, which I hoped the last lines would indicate - how we project... am I good at obscuring what I do too? (((hugs))) back to you...

  2. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Oh my~but this is quite profound~on many levels~and yet it speaks quite clearly on each level~

    This is one of those compositions of insight through which one can only respond--Oh, this, is quite perfect~

    In Light~Blessings~

  3. Anonymous6:14 PM

    A beautiful expression of emotion that I believe we have all experienced.Souls alone on a planet of six billion.

  4. laurieglynn, thank you, it's a difficult area to talk about, the ways we reject each other. I don't think I managed to capture it's essence in this piece, but posted it because I needed to. It seems to have worked some minor miracles in my life, too. For the first time, I have been able to admit perhaps I was wrong... :grins: which has been a most liberating experience. I ought to do it more often! :grins some more:

    Anonymous, that is the profoundly amazing thing, isn't it. We are each alone on a planet of six billion. And what we do to each other! Your comments are always most welcome.


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