Saturday, March 06, 2010

Blueberry-glazed Cheesecake

Yum, delicious. ♡Birthdays! On Thursday night, there were only 5 of us, my brother and his children couldn't make it. My daughter and I made a large but very light cheesecake. One slice left the next morning, which I took a photograph of so *you* can have a piece too, and join us in our small and quiet celebration. ♥♥

♡All sweet wishes fill my starflower shining basket of solar years! ♡Thank you!♡ ☼☆☆☆☆

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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Horn-honking street-cheering TO celebrates Olympic Gold

direct link to YouTube video: Horn-honking street-cheering Toronto celebrates Olympic Gold

A horn-honking,
street-cheering city,
a cacophony
of car horns,
and revelry,
laughing and waving-

Canada makes Olympic history.
Toronto celebrates!

As soon as the last overtime gold goal was scored,
people piled out of taverns, their homes, cheering.

You reach for the stars, Team Canada,
and they're gold.

Medals, a constellation of 14 stars
helping the country navigate
An Olympic record, and first time
for us on home soil.

Rubbing gold stars
from our eyes
in disbelief...

The red maple leaf,
our flag
flying high tonight.

The streets of Toronto explode into a Winter party.

A whole country berserk with celebration.

Congratulations, Canada.

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Sunday, February 28, 2010


Momentarily I became soft, not soft exactly but like glass become thick liquid, melting, memories of hot silica, pliable, and if you knew you could reach your hand through to the other side to Alice's Wonderland.

Through the glass; through the invisible world.

It didn't last; edges returned,
and I continued on.

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From Untitled

A long, slow process, clearly. While I don't yet know who these people are, I'm getting to know them. In a way I like this as is, the whitely drawn figures on swish of black paint. But colour inevitably beckons. Now that I've learned how to post large images in small packets, you can better see what's there when you click to full screen. This image is an unbelievable 1496×1872 pixels and is only 292KB!

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Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...