Friday, December 11, 2009


A tiny ink and paint sketch, Earthlight, 11"x4.5", my Black Madonna, light of the earth. I'll probably use her as a bookmark in Carl Jung's huge, The Red Book. Drawn in the madness of Baghdad in those hours past midnight. Click on image to view larger version.

I don't know why I didn't colour in her hair, probably because I liked the contrast. But her skin - rich honied earthtones, golden and chocolate - yes.

My intention was to write of the new direction my artwork is taking and to add a little sketch for interest. But the sketch became a poem painting and with the colours of the letters festive (there were letters like coloured lights strung along the bottom which I had uploaded but changed my mind on seeing in the post). Perhaps the energy of poem painting is upon me, but if you'd like the mantle for a bit, I'd be honoured to pass it on.

As I release myself from having always to draw from life, I find I am able to compose drawings and paintings from my imagination.

This makes working in visual media easier. As a homebody, nay 'recluse,' enrolling in art classes is difficult (especially since unemployed at the moment, and even when employed the salary is small). I reuse my old drawings from lifedrawing sessions over and over. I think about what I would like to do but cannot afford models or to arrange scenes as I would like them.

I think my artwork has not progressed as it might if I hadn't had this problem.

Now the possibilities open.

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Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...