Friday, April 17, 2009

Spit of postage-sized yard

Moi, moi, and moi, ho hum. Bo-ring! BUT. Cleaning up the spit of postage-sized yard out back, fun! In the Summer, full shade due to a tree. Perhaps throw some seed for grasses or ground cover - all in all, it'll be a nice place to sit with morning coffee or on hot Summer evenings! Happy, happy.

My son, who actually helped, had gone by this time. And my daughter, who didn't, took the photos. I've included one of her in this group.

(click on photos for larger size)

My beauty. A sweetie unparalleled.

Shhh. This one. What's Photoshop for if you can't de-age? I had given myself
a bright fuscia pink face but found the muted sepia tone nicer.
C'mon, an "art shot" alright!

(pssst -> ... the original untouched one)

::laughing:: xo


  1. Hey Girl,

    I love it. Photoshop is terrific.

    Is that a Cocker spaniel?

  2. Thanks, Kathryn! Yeah, yeah for PS. Though I did just add the original. Did you know the current issue of ELLE has models au naturel? Sans make-up. And they are even more gorgeous, actually. I do colour my hair, yes, yes, I do.

    She's a Springer Spaniel - but a "field" dog, rather than the "show dog" we more commonly see. She's almost 10 now. An energetic, affectionate, very sweet dog.

  3. My wife would say: Plant native plants!!!

    I just want photoshop to de-age me permanently. Great photos Brenda.

  4. Documenting an event with photos is very important. Hooray for your daughter.

  5. fun post. glad you are preparing your space for outside living. i would be so unhappy without our gardens. there have been times in my life when i had small outside spaces which i filled, too, with flowers and plants. whatever you do with yours, i hope it brings you many hours of joy.

    keep in mind most grasses require sunshine to really grow well.

    good pics, and your daughter is, indeed, very beautiful!

  6. Thanks, Jan!

    Ah, Nathan, now that would require research. I've never done more than mow a lawn, so... we'll see. Today I picked up some eco industrial strength vinegar to spray on the weeds, and a bag of shade-loving grass seed, which I'll plant in about 2 months, and then we'll see... it's dark under that tree in the Summer, so maybe bright, colourful tuberous begonias? Or not... a place to hang ma hammock!

    And, hey, Photoshop can do that!! Permanently de-age us! Sigh... age is beautiful, too.

    Marvin, yes, I guess it is. And it's nice in blogs to see some photos of the folks we read doing what they do... thanks!

    Sky, we'll see... it could be another year before I plant much... thinking at least some bulbs in the Fall for Spring flowers, that tree 'leaves' late so snow drops, crocuses, etc would work I think...

    Now your garden, dear Sky, is heaven on earth...

    Thanks everyone!

  7. You look great, such a gorgeous babe.
    Your energetic cleaning up of the yard reminded me of G.I. Gurdgieff´s maxim, ¨Work as if everything depended on work, pray as if everything depended on prayer. His rich followers would pay him thousands of pounds sterling so theat they could work his garden for hours on end. And they universally contended that they forgot their often silly lives of the leisure class and self-remembered for the first time. What a Sufi trickster he was! He had them ¨self-¨remember, whereas the Sufis were remembering God through physical labor & dhikr.


Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...