Friday, April 03, 2009

My Son's 22nd Birthday

My sweet son turned 22 on April 2nd. My daughter, who's not in the image unfortunately, baked and iced the cake. We were unable to light some of the small candles in the middle, and it was one of those strange things - as I walked with the lit cake the unlit candles lit up! They were all burning! The cake itself was celebrating.

You can see my son, Adrian, my mother, Florence, and a bit of my brother, Raymond. And Keesha our dog. The image is a little distorted since I took it off my webcam, but it's still fun.


  1. Ah, to be 22 again! Hope Adrian enjoys it to the max!

  2. Hey Patry! Thanks! I'll make sure he sees your birthday wish! Great to hear from you... hugs xo

  3. Anonymous7:50 PM

    What a time of celbration Dear Brenda with your handsome son and your lovely Mum. Blessings on you all xx Bill

    Tried unsuccesfully so far to leave comments as myself but keep having to opt for anonymous.

  4. Great to see your family united in this way, Brenda. As someone so far away from mine, seeing this image gets me moist eyed. I remember when I was last there for my brother Nick´s birthday, who I haven´t seen in six years (he lives in New Zealand.)

    Warm webcam shot. I see the family resemblance between you and your Mom. Your son looks like he´s in really good shape! Does he go to the gym, or just built like that from solid genes? Nice glow to everything.
    I love miraculous candles, miraculous friendships.

    Right now I´m listening to tenebrous music playing as the final Palm Sunday procession winds through the Realejo barrio by my house. Seeing this image of your felicity cheers me.

  5. Ahh, John, yes I know what it's like, though not for as many years as you. The couple of years I spent in Vancouver I found I really missed my family and since then have appreciated them much more! While my kids and I always celebrate our birthdays with a cake, this is the first time we've invited Granny or Ray down, and it was so nice we'll do it again. I actually got my act together and set up my webcam on a tripod & shot about 25 min of tape, another first in many, many years.

    I think we have to go away to come back, huh.

    My son does exercises he learned from a book, I think. He's also at his Dad's mostly now and there is a home work-out room I believe with weights & a cross-trainer and whatnot. Also Adrian learned a core training exercise at rehab that's easy and has enabled building that strong body you see... he's in really good shape.

    Seeing him smile the way he did that day was such a gift, such a pleasure!

    Thanks for your beautiful heart-felt words, John. Hope you're re-united with your family in a great happy celebration soon! Or a trip to New Zealand! hugs xo

  6. Bill! Many thanks! I suspect you might have to have a blog somewhere or other, not sure, otherwise anonymous is fine... a few years ago only Bloggers could leave comments, so I appreciate the openness now. Very sweet of you to drop by with a lovely comment and beautiful wishes! hugs xo

  7. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Thanks Brenda.. Happy Birthday to your son.. lovely..

  8. Thanks, Claire. Really, with everything that went down, it's a miracle that we're all here to celebrate his birthday, and him. He's a beautiful son. hugs xo

  9. Oswald "Oz" Phills9:38 PM

    You've managed to capture the generations around a sacred - though sweet, I imagine - fire. Abstracted from the personal biography, it has archetypal power. Your family goes on, the human family goes on in the mystical radiance of Being which is Time. That's how Aurobindo and the Mother would say it, if I may be so bold. Oz would say - Happy Birthday folks! Shine On!

  10. happy belated birthday, adrian! it looks like it was a fabulous celebration. i love the photo - i'd day the cake is GLOWING! ;)

  11. What a beautiful way to put it, Oz. The lit candles on the birthday cake as a gathering around fire, when we tend to see them as burning away the years and blow them out for a wish! Thanks so much for your radiant, archetypal comment!

    Adrian definitely enjoyed this quiet birthday celebration - that glow of gratitude was beautiful to see! Thanks, Sky. xo


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