Sunday, July 16, 2006

What's happening...

Well, I had a post up momentarily, but took it down and submitted it to qarrtsiluni, where it may even show up if the editors decide to take a chance on it, or me.

Then I walked on this pressingly humid day down a long city block to buy fruit and vegetables in preparation for my children, who arrive in an hour by train. Having found all the nectarines I've purchased in the past few years to be crunchy like apples, I picked only one. After filling my cart with produce and paying, I began the trek up the street but stopped and took out the dark almost brownish red nectarine, rubbed it on my blue-hued sarong, thought never mind if it isn't washed, and bit into it.

Honeyed. Drippingly honied. Juicy and rich, the colour of the setting sun, massaging my tongue with ecstasies, covering my nose, cheeks, chin with a delicate layer of nectarine syrup that I wiped on my hands, and both arms, until I was a sticky, scented fruit flower for bees. Eating such a ripe and succulent nectarine was practically pornographic, well imbibing such a treat in public seemed like that. It was flagrantly sensuous and delicious.

When you thought you were going to have a nearly flavourless, crunchy thing, a rich medley of juices burst into your hot mouth. And then you just wanted to drop your cart and go back to the little Chinese grocer's and buy the whole bushel... you went on to the supermarket instead and bought milk and yogurt and bottled water for the move tomorrow. But you had your moment.

Tomorrow my two brothers and son and daughter and I are moving our household goods from an outer suburban storage unit to one nearby. In 35C humidity! Somehow 60 boxes of books and solid teak shelves to hold them have to come down into my subaltern abode, the basement apartment where my daughter and I currently live, and I know it's impossible and it has to be done. But, oh, how good it'll be to have access to my books again!

I'll be back in a few days...

*hugs xo


  1. I'm glad you were able to get in some R&R before the big move. And the nectarine seems a mini-vacation in itself.

    Good luck with all the hauling, and with pacing things out....

  2. Beautifully rich imagery in your words. It makes me want to paint that...I can almost taste it myself. Thanks!

  3. Yum.

    Sounds like you will be creating not physical space but opening intellectual and creative doors and windows nonetheless. Good luck!

  4. hope the moving endeavor goes well and that you find space for the books you love. i lived without mine for 9 months after relocating, and it drove me nuts.

  5. Thanks everyone! It happened, but the bookcases wouldn't fit down the stairs (estimated, we didn't actually try), so I have the boxes of books that will probably have to stay packed until we move (yes, yes) or I purchase something that works. Been without them for a year now, Sky, and, ache and moan, who knows for how much longer... what's that about water everywhere but none to drink... boxes of books everywhere but none to open. I'll try to write a post tomorrow or the next day on how it all went. Thanks e-journeys, Ester, MB, and Sky, in the midst of all this chaos it is most wonderful to stop by and read your words. Now I'm thinking about that nectarine myself! hugs


Is there still a blogging community?

It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...