Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Magic of Mantra...

In the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly, deep in the cocoon of sound I've woven tightly around myself, if I become a slush of nutrients as the waves of colour begin radiating through me, making iridescent wings, then that's today, where I've meditated most of the day, chanted my silent mantra endlessly until I've forgotten who I am until my life is unrecognizable until I'm bliss floating through the air rather than a woman walking her dog in the summer-scented warmth of the late evening air.

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  1. I am getting an IE warning about the security certification here at this blog expiring and a prompt asking me if I want to continue anyway the last few times I have loaded your blog. Any ideas why? Wonder if I am the only one getting this warning? Since it is not a private webpage it seems strange to me.

    Meditation so transformative it's magical! Your description is so full.

  2. I love meditating, Sky! Nothing else quite reorients me to the beauty of the world, and of my great fortune to be in it. If I give myself to a two and half hour session like I did yesterday, all I see afterwards is extraordinary beauty and love everywhere!

    And you, you say transformative and magical... can you say more?


  3. Truly beautiful and inspiring words. I love the way you write so descriptively and imaginatively.

  4. Sky, I copied this over from a post and deleted the post.

    You mentioned that you're getting an IE warning about the security certification at this blog expiring and a prompt asking you if you want to continue. This has happened the last few times you've loaded my blog. Is anyone else having this message show up? Or have any idea what might be going on?

    An IE warnings about security expiring! How strange.

    I use an iMac and Firefox. It's not showing up when I log in.

    I'll email Blogger and see if they can unsort it. I don't think there are any strange links on the site that might be triggering it, but I'll look through. Maybe the use of the term "Debt-free" makes me look like spam? :)

    Or a security threat.

    Update (hmnnn...):
    Blogger Help
    to me
    More options 2:36 pm (1 minute ago)
    Hi Brenda,

    Thanks for writing in. I just visited your blog in both IE and Firefox and didn't get a security warning in either browser. This may be a specific problem with your friends browser. I recommend that she checks her security settings and/or try a different browser such as Firefox.

    The Blogger Team

    Original Message Follows:
    From: "Brenda Clews"
    Subject: Re: IE Security Warning at my blog?
    Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 13:02:51 -0400


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