Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Move: Section #38 on seeds...

From "The Move, " something to think about...

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Section #38

Everything begins as a seed. A future is contained in the seed: the full, flowering tree; the whole person exists in possibility. All the information that is needed is contained in the seed. With an adequate mixture of necessary ingredients, it will grow and flourish in all the ways it was meant to.

Perhaps relationships begin as seeds too. What they will ultimately become is contained in the beginning. The parameters are set, even if unconsciously so. Attitudes and expectations, the rhythms of the way it’ll unfold, are prescient at the beginning. If one knows how to read the flickers of intuitions, dream fragments, stray thoughts, then one might discern the possible directions of the relationship and whether it will be ultimately satisfying and endure or not.

Careful and diligent tending is only as good as the seed planted at the beginning.

How else to explain the strange coherencies of her stories and dream images and the turn of events at a crucial time, which would prevent their relationship from flowering, or even coming to be?

It seemed as if this line of the plot had been woven into the seed of their connection before they even discovered their desire for each other.

The twist in the plot line would tear apart what was only the fragile, tender beginning.

There would never be more than that; yet she would remain entangled as if in a fisherman’s net.

That was what the oracles of image and dream indicated and she wondered if it was possible to change the genetic structure of a relationship before the damage could occur.


  1. Nice site! HOW your SEED WORKS! Is Destiny controlled by CODES? You have DNA and RNA CODES in you, and other CODES that switch things ON and OFF in your body to control you. WHO PUT THE CODES INTO YOU? YOU CAN READ CODES RIGHT OUT OF YOUR OWN BIBLE that control your destiny. See the "Chosen"Code and "Color"Code; VISIT: . Leave a comment if you will.

  2. It's an interesting notion. Yours, I mean.


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