Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Solstice blessings...

"Life shrinks or expands according to one's courage." Anais Nin

Updating my life: yesterday I was offered a mat leave job in a company I really like, but not until December, which is so far away it's impossible to think about. My son has a job at a construction site today cleaning up, sweeping and vacuuming, thanks to John, my friend ZsuZsi's partner. My daughter has just gone through the halycon she always goes through before the 3300 km journey to her father's for the Summer. Why does this trip bring such anger, sadness and terror for her? As a mother do I worry unecessarily? But today is a new day and sunny; if the promised rain doesn't come, it's going to be hot. It's been cool here and I welcome and savour the heat, the way it relaxes us all.

Yes, Anais, life does shrink and expand according to one's courage, very much so, but when you're looking for work you need contacts. When you've moved to a city where you know almost no-one it's hard to find work because you have no network to draw on. That's what people are now telling me, and it makes sense. Also the 2 year mark is a make it or break it mark. I'm at the crux.

We would like to return to Toronto, and I may be able to just afford the moving costs, but need help at the other end with finding affordable housing. My children's father, who is ideally suited to the role of 'house finder,' he'll get his children back, afterall, has said a flat no. And blamed me for moving out here in the first place. None of which makes much sense, given that he'll have weekends with his kids, be close to them again. Nor can my family help, either no car, or works nights or, in the case of my mother, in her 80s and too frail. Friends? I'm not sure anyone is in a position to find housing for us to move in August. But I'll see.

Just the normal chaos of life, with its multiple decisions...

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usTo brighten this post, because folks in the blogosphere like images, here's one I added a lens flare to and put in my sidebar to replace the one of me reading a book with blonde hair...

Now that 'light' could be a vision, a fairy whispering delightful secrets, a higher consciousness from a space zone, a light-master from a New Age dimension, a lover whom I am dancing with, an echo of the Solstice sun in the lens, or the courage that expands our world, offering a bright future. Perhaps on this morning of new awakenings, new realizations, new hope, you could tell me what you see...

*hugs xo

On Solstice, the official entry of the abundance of Summer, a solar apex, this year with a Solstice sun and moon nearly aligned, O, the fulfillment of all our dreams and wishes...

Monday, June 20, 2005

Phoenix rising...

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I went dancing tonight. Feel like a phoenix rising...

(my son took the photograph)

Sunday, June 19, 2005

My daughter's poetry...

My daughter wrote some poetry yesterday, which she shared, I love it when she shares her creative writing, and then she said I could post it. The second one is in the form that she wrote it, but the lines can be broken up to "look" more like the poetry they are. There's beauty, sadness, love. She's 14, and very, very sweet...


I look up at night
planets are moving at the speed of light
and the world's expanding
you're forever fading
see the world in black and white
no colour or light, nothing right, nothing right
you're part of the human race, all the stars and outer space
the world's spinning

and no one seems to notice...


The leaves formed a perfect drop, a drop of the sun, rested upon its self, held together by mixes of light, of sky and rain, 50 million leaves, they swirl around me, they dance with my love, sing with forever beauty, in the sunset, they break the world, the universe trapped inside a city, and no one seems to notice, but me, and your world is all the sun sees, hidden by darkness, the white shadows revealed and I'll wait for them, until my days are done, history is in the past, it was somewhere and then it was lost, and no one seems to notice, but me, so I'll float through my memories, cause they're all I have, everyday I create a memory, every second of life, could be my forever memory, so I'll always have a place to be, inside of me, I'm creating my world as it fades, and I can't hold on, and no one seems to notice but me, we're swallowed in the sea, and no one seems to notice but me.

Friday, June 17, 2005

The Move

I need to put a disclaimer in here. I am the author but not the character. There are points of similarity with my life but "The Move" is also fictionalized and parts are made up. It is necessarily more brutal than my life is for the purpose of drama. Since blogging is largely lifewriting, one does need to clarify when one moves into fiction. I am in crisis, yes, and am letting that be a diving board... but I am not writing in the confessional mode; rather this is the imagination of a life...



She stares uncomprehendingly at the Notice To End Tenancy, holds it in her hand like an entropic text. It is composed of financial hieroglyphics and it has a greater power than all of the magical texts in her library. Its final incantation is homelessness.

She sips coffee, looking at the light of the clouded sky, how silvery it is, and wonders what will become. She snaps a picture of a fading rose on the window sill, and transfers it to the computer where she draws fiery lines like fireflies leaving trails on the soft pink lips in the core. The stylus a burning ember, she sears the tips of the labyrinth of folds that the petals are while she scores them with light. Tracing the delicate trails with her lit sparkler, is there a path that she could perceive if she could only fathom it in the dying fragrance of the blossom? Perhaps this tracing is an oracle of prophetic signs on dusty, fading petals that can be read even as they are crumpling inwards, and dropping to the floor.

If you go deliberately into the uncertainty of the darkness will you find the light? Will you find answers to the direction that is hidden but already opening out? Or is there no direction but what is willfully asserted onto the crumpling inwards and emblazoned in the clouds of the morning sky like a scroll of truth?

Even as she flees she is being drawn into the molten core of what is dissolving. But then she's given to drama, especially after a sleepless night and the worry that encroaches her vision like the smudged glass of the window she looks out of.

She finishes her large mug of bitter, aromatic espresso coffee and takes it to the kitchen to rinse. There are no answers, only questions. This is the mantra.

The house is on the market. It has come to this, and she is moving, but does not know where she shall go. Her home is crumbling and she is losing her beloved abode. This brings a stream of thoughts on the protection of shells, exoskeletons, abodes. How is it to live without a shell of protection? Shall she live under the open sky emblazoned with the starlit lanterns of the Milky Way? What is a home, a house, a place to live? And how is that an expression of the architecture of our souls? These are the questions she begins with as she starts the arduous process of packing up her house.

Or has she already left, already fled into exile, already been broken by the isolation that strangers are accorded, and is trying to return?

Has the breaking apart of what is warm, enclosing, protective already happened, and was there a fleeing of the shards of that broken shell for a new place only to turn and re-seek them?

And where does the compass point now? How is she to read it when its heavy glass is fogged and the pointer spins uncontrollably? If there is no centre, how can the world revolve? Without a home, a grounding, what orbit does one spin in? Empty boxes pile up in all the rooms, some still flattened, some already made, waiting to be filled with the accumulation of hers and her children's lives.

How many lives does a cat have? How many times has she landed on her feet, and has she run out of chances?


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Thursday, June 16, 2005

O, Clarity...

Woke soon after dawn, lay in bed for an hour, wishing direction would become clear. An hour hugging my soft, clean, silky dog, who was curled in a ball, sleeping, who I shampooed yesterday after her swim in the lake in the park. I lay in the early morning light, wishing that what's possible would manifest clearly. I can feel myself walking the hot, polluted streets of Toronto; I can feel my reunion with my friends and dancing at The Move on Friday nights; I can hear the long conversations with my family; I see myself walking onto campus, returning to York University. It all feels very happy. That perhaps I was exhausted, at the end of what I could cope with when I moved out here and now after two years I am mended, renewed, ready to return and continue on. The return is becoming so real in a feeling-sense and I'm not sure why. Funds for a move back aren't here/there/anywhere at present. And no temp work this week. Stress. Though I did have 6 hours of unbroken sleep, a gift. And as I sip coffee, looking out at the clouded day of silvery light, I wonder what will become, and I began taking pictures of a fading rose, drawing fiery lines in its core, like fireflies leaving trails on the soft pink lips…

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A Letter of Love...

My entry in the Creative Writing Challenge, "Tell a story in the form of a love letter..."

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Many thanks to Chez Couronne, who runs the site and blogring.

Roses & Hands...

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Perhaps you'd like to see the original yellow roses, & in black & white, & the one I created for the dream...

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Monday, June 13, 2005

On the process of healing difficult parts of your life...

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I took this photo the day before the only possible permanent job I've had in a year ended due to problems with location, there was no bus service outside of rush hour and it was a 5 hour a day position, it was right before my birthday on March 7th too... That path goes up past the high school and I walk it nearly every night with my dog... Not a great photo, and I'm into frames these days (sorry!), but it was on the edge of... O, those Cherry blossoms!

On the Vision Quest/Fasting

The process of processing takes its own time according to its own rhythms and necessities. The vision quest/fast I did in 1998 on my abandonment issues was very difficult and quite emotionally painful if I recall, but it did resolve those issues to the extent of releasing me from being tied in an unhealthy way to a fear of rejection. Because of my childhood issues, whenever I receive a 'rejection' my response is to over-give, whether it's being extra nice, or a poem, or buying something, and it's usually an inappropriate reaction. I saw that in many ways it was the central crux of my more important relationships, and that I was still trying to 'please' an 'abusive' parent - over and over, living out a primal drama of my childhood. I needed to break the hold of this pattern in my psyche, and one of the ways I did it was to undertake a vision quest where I struggled with this issue, the power of rejection over me. I know my quest was successful because I am no longer attracted to people who are explosive and mean on the one hand, and distant and cold and rejecting on the other (was that ever really true, it sounds so incredible now). Whatever unsound hooks there were in me from my survival techniques as a child were undone, cast away. The vision quest to free myself of my abandonment issues was successful, but it took a few years for me to see that, indeed, a new pattern of relationships had established itself in my life that was much healthier and happier. I developed a strength that enables me to turn my back on, and walk away from, scenarios that would send me back to my helpless childhood.

So I know that working deeply on yourself with determined intent does pay dividends.

We each heal ourselves differently.

My favoured last-resort way is quite difficult, I suppose. Although a 2 - 3 day fast is not that rigorous. But it works for me, and that is what is important.

Let me say that even with a full 3 day/3 night fast, I have never lost any weight. With the 2 days that I fasted last week I may have lost 2 lbs which, after last night's roast chicken (soaked in a brine solution for 4 hours, covered with bacon, stuffed with wild and long grain rice, roasted to succulence) with all the trimmings and my daughter's decadent chocolate cake, well I may have even gained. I would never recommend a fast to lose weight, in other words. And, anyway, then you might get into a binge/purge routine and be worse off than ever. Weight loss is another issue altogether. I don't view it as part of the process I've undergone. The only way it could be would be if I wanted to discover the deeper reasons why I needed to overeat, if that was my problem (it isn't), and heal them at a very deep level in my being.

So with seeing if I gained any insights from my vision quest last week, yes, only one seemingly innocuous nugget, that I'm looking in the wrong area for work (clerical/reception), which was great to know, like huh, and in what area then should I look? Fasts don't follow a question/answer format; it's all process, moving energy along a trajectory, discovering the path as you go.

I'm still discovering this one: how to financially support my family while I continue with my writing and image-making/painting. And answers are coming, slowly, and with effort, in the ways I need to change my attitudes about this overwhelming problem, since I haven't been able to find full time work in a year of continual looking.

Teaching came out quite strongly, though I have no specific academic credentials (besides a couple of degrees) and am thinking of what I need to do to move into the area of education. But that's long term and down the road.

Immediate answers I don't have yet.

Maybe by tomorrow I will, maybe not. I've starved myself open, though. It's like all the cards have been thrown in the air, and who knows how or where they will land.

This post has been very long and reflective, thank you for bearing with me, and I do hope you've managed to take something away from all this that enriches your own life. That most of all. xo

Sunday, June 12, 2005

On Vision Quests and Fasting...

(Sorry this is such a long post, but I just added a small pic from that night at the end, surely it look like I've come through the zone, though still no clear directions...)

Tuesday, June 7, 2005

...so the big riptide rolling my way is that I've been looking steadily for a steady job for an entire year now without success, and temp work is not cutting it, and I can't hold out any longer... even a year at such an income level is nothing short of a miracle... and while I'm great with sacrifice, I must say it's been no fun at all... I finally decided that I'd like to apply to the Arts-Based Research Program in Graduate Education for 2006 but it doesn't look like I will be able to manage to stay here in Vancouver... with some money that's coming my way soon, not enough, not barely enough, I may be able to move us back to Toronto where the job situation may be no better but where my family lives and where I have many friends... I've been very isolated since moving here 2 years ago, which, in a paradoxical ways, has been healing, a watershed in my life, time to remember who I am, though without financial stability, and not ideal by any means... looking for work pretty intensively though and still no job, despite so much effort to find something, anything... is it time to leave, then?... even though I may just be able to cover moving expenses, I won't have enough for storage or 1st and last month on a place, so I'm stressing even more than I have been all year... it's been a very difficult year, only mitigated by all you wonderful people in the on-line journal world, our blogging heaven, and the creative outlet that this place is... it's very hard for me to talk about difficult things that I'm going through while I'm going through them, usually I withdraw and only speak of what went on later, so I am trying to be more open about my difficulties even as I am swirling in the midst of them...

much love...

Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Monarck, that beautiful poet and model, is talking about a fast she currently on. I've been considering a fast for a couple of months. With low-ish blood pressure ~ now is that because of the yoga? I heard that people who do yoga have low blood pressure & that it's normal? I'd like to hear that it's normal... ~ when I fast I can't really keep up a normal day. But that's okay, because when I fast it's because I'm doing a "vision quest."

Often, when I had a cottage on Georgina Island in Lake Simcoe, a Chippewa Reserve, a beautiful spot only about an hour from Toronto, I would go for vision-quest fasts. Always with a specific quest in mind. One time I wanted to struggle with and overcome my abandonment issues, which come from my childhood and my Dad's frequent absence on business trips, but which were paralyzing me in my relationships, and so I fasted it out.

The first night I travelled there, by ferry and car, and spent the evening in front of a roaring fire playing a Native drum, for hours on end, calling in the spirits of guidance, sending out negative energies, whatever felt and seemed right. Looking out over a wide expanse of lake, with a silver maple forest to one side, a neighbour over a ways to the other, I could make as much noise as I liked. So I drummed long and hard and loud.

The next day the fasting continued, only drinking water, and journaling. Any visions, insights, feelings, anything at all got written down as it was happening. As I went deeper and deeper into hunger I had to let go of my attachments, wants, needs, desires, until there was no more craving, no more pain, no more suffering, until I floated free in a state of mind approaching light speed. I've done quite a bit of shamanic work in these states of mind, helping those who've passed on reach the vistas of enlightenment they seek, or whatever (my novel explores this mythology). It's a type of spirituality I am drawn to, and has its roots in the African tribal spirituality of my childhood.

Anyway, I can't think of a single quest that wasn't successful in the terms that I sought. I've learnt how to be secure in myself and not thrown into tempestuous crumbling when I'm abandoned. I've birthed creativity. I've found a deep and abiding connection to a spiritual reality that keeps me grounded and loving in the world.

Not without effort, mind you. When you fast, starve your body, you are pitting yourself against death itself, the threat of death by starvation, though, of course, you never go that far, only far enough to bring everything to the point of relinquishment so that inner change may occur.

At least, I don't fast to purify my body of toxins, but to purify my mind of restraints that don't serve me or my life or those I love.

So, I am considering fasting to find out why I don't have a job. If the issue is with me, I need to discover what is going on and why. If I am looking in the wrong areas for work, or don't understand my path and the ways I may make an income to live on that are better suited to my talents, energies, drives, ambitions, gifts and desire to give, then I need to stop, delve inwards, and change some conscious attitudes that are causing problems so a better flow can occur. Or maybe I'm in this position because I need to make a radical departure. Right now everything is bottled up. It's a terrifying moment.

If I can manage it, I'll stop eating tomorrow, and go through until Sunday. If I get a temp job, obviously I'll have to stop the fast. I may try to blog it through; can't promise on that one, but we'll see.

This is a powerful way to bring myself into alignment.

Thursday, June 9, 2005

I realize that I've actually been fasting since yesterday around noon or so if I don't count my 2oz of wine last night, I suppose -:). I'm definitely feeling the Day 2 feeling, and couldn't figure it out. Don't know how far I'm getting, but I'm quite light-headed and overly sensitive to sensual input... light is weirdly bright, sound too crisp... and hunger has transformed into a muted distant roar in my gut, I don't feel it... oh, and my tongue feels coated... my head feels, well, lightheaded, sort of enthralled in an inner drama - (of the digestive system which is signalling all over the place, and getting nothing)... all signs of fasting...

Not feeling any breakthroughs in the way I structure myself yet ~

Though I am busy undoing myself from the inside out. I've been through my entire financial history, realizing all the places where I've made mistakes, and the welcome gifts that sometimes emerge... the universe, on the whole, hasn't been too bad a place to hang out for a lifetime.

But I would like now to have a half decent income, that security. Certain areas aren't working out, I can see that, and perhaps ought to shift my focus elsewhere. I am busy clarifying what it is that I do want...

Don't know about moving back to Toronto, don't have quite enough money, but, well.... we'll see what transpires~

O, it's so silly, all of it! But so very, very serious.

I continue~

Friday, June 10, 2005

Some people can fast and carry on with their normal lives, I can't. It's a beautiful state of mind for clarity and honesty because you're somewhere in the deep centre where there is no incessant chatter. Fasting has never been a state where I could carry any anger or bitterness or any of the stories I tell myself to get through the day sometimes. It's so pure. Just the dizzying body and the spirit, and opening yourself into a better understanding of the self and the world/in the world. I was becoming quite weak, mostly resting, and more light-headed and beginning to see radiant angels about me, hovering, moving gracefully, their garments rich and soft like the brushed clouds of the setting sun, their wings gleaming and folded, soft, silky long hair, Pre-Raphaelite angels, tenderly caring for me, helping me to align my perceptions, to understand, to have deeper, clearer vision...

But my kids were finding me too strange. Sigh. What's a spiritual quest again, Mom? Today is shopping day, too, and I knew I wasn't going to make it out to the supermarket by transit and back unless I ate. My son often does the shopping, he's great that way, but we need a lot of stuff today...

I broke my fast, after 48 hours, or 2 days, with a large, granny smith apple, the juice so tart and so sweet on my throat; a large mug of English orange pekoe breakfast tea, a blend of leaves from Ceylon, Assam, Kenya and Indonesia, the very best, sweetened, with milk, soothing; flavourful white extra-old cheddar cheese in a buttered white-flour tortilla wrap; and then a curried lamb chop, which was slowly cooked with onions, garlic, celery, apple, ginger and Patak's hot madras curry sauce that I defrosted in the microwave and gobbled down!

It's like the city was silent, in moon-lit revery, a hush of magic, and the stillness has been broken and the day has begun and the traffic is moving again.

And, O Nirvana... MoreWhereThatCameFrom, she never left you...

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(a tiny pic, late last night, after shopping, for you, don't know how 'post-fast' it is... but it's real, you can see the stress, I think, I share - in the self-portrait mode, a mirror image)

Monday, June 06, 2005

Moments of Decision...

...I wish I knew the point at which one can definably say... I mean there is a moment where the bulk of the direction of something has reached critical mass and cannot be held back and flows over... and in the flowing over, there is a definable something to say, a concrete fact, it is going in this direction, this is the decision made, this is what is happening now... always before the movement towards is the setting of plans, an openness or closure to, a way to slide the events in a certain direction... what is it that decides what direction something will flow in but your decisions about directions... most of life seems to work this way, at least it does for me... it's all various energy patterns, flowing and interweaving, creating and subsiding, connecting and sliding through and disconnecting and drawing back from... like a vast dynamic tableaux, a web of points of singularity all flickering and creating lines between each other according to a complex dance created by each point of singularity, each consciousness deciding its direction within the parameters and variables that are viable... choices constantly being made, from the time we rise to the time we sleep... holding patterns, keeping ourselves together, making crossings, living on thresholds... and always motivated by deep inner inclinations that move like underwater currents directing things to crash and break on the rocks or lap gently upon the sandy beaches... sometimes we float along on the same trajectory without change and other times we radically switch directions... sometimes we are forced, by the general field of connections, or lack of them, to make choices we don't want to make... and this is where I am.

Sorry to be so mysterious, but a riptide is sweeping through my life...

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Blue Chrysalis...

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usPlaying today with a too-dark image from a few days ago when I needed a new profile photo---lightening it, seeing what's in the shadows, and discovered a way to irradiate a photo with blue spotlights: I found the blue lights intriguing even as I wrapped myself in them doing and undoing many possibilities. And I wonder if this process of enfolding and illumining in blue light is teaching me something mystical or perhaps silly? Some humour might be apropos these days, as a way to release the tension of radical shifts in the underlayers of my life. It seems that when a woman does something radical to her hair, she's about to do something radical to her life too. Major transformations are in process in the woman who resides over here, at Rubies In Crystal, I suspect... I wonder what will emerge from the chrysalis of blue lights? It is an interesting process that I've been through recently, extreme sensitivity, a withdrawal inwards, the depths where one retreats to, not knowing what is going on or which way to turn, desperations folding in on one, and the way the cocoon that you didn't know had grown around you begins to crack, it's fearful, those blinding splits of needles of light, and not knowing what will emerge, something saddened by experience, weighted, or beautiful, and that can fly in freedom...

Sunday, May 22, 2005

A Dream...

A Dream...recorded in the night
without a date stamp,
so when, & of Who?

...a face, half of which
is covered by a mask;
the other half,
where the cheek should be,
it's all been eaten away
and it's been reconstructed
with stories,
story after story...

he had no feet
and he is perched
on the window ledge
like a vampire or an angel,

I couldn't tell which...

©Brenda Clews 2005

Friday, May 20, 2005

Star Wars: Episode III

I saw it. A massive tragedy in the classical sense. Pure hubris. Absolutely preventable, but based on deep misunderstanding of the deep wisdom of the self. I am overwhelmed by Lucas's return to the most powerful myth of all, the Biblical myth that is the foundation of Western civilization. It was brilliant. I was so striken by the unrelenting tragedy that we have at the basis of our culture, by this brave portrayal of it, that I was in silent shock all the way home. And of course, the deity's wife dies at the beginning of the dark rule through his hubris. Wisdom, the wife of the fearsome deity, the Shekinah, is hidden in the Bible; she has to find her way through the mystical texts. O Padme! And then the monotheistic empire building, one dark Lord of fire and battle and death to rule them all...already his son, the saviour is born, is spirited away, hidden... And he has a sister, O, thank you Lucas, for his beautiful twin sister, the inclusion of the divine feminine, what is so desperately needed in the religious myths of our culture, visionary filmaker...

The electrical storm, unusual for this city, erupted so powerfully overhead minutes after our return we thought we were going to be struck by lightning tonight...

Friday, May 06, 2005

Sheets Of Light

MP3 of "Sheets Of Light" here

At my Aural Pleasure poetry reading site at Sound Click. I erased all the preamble on this one; even Omar's gone. Just the writing tonight... perhaps, uhmm, a postmodern foray... *hugs, hope you enjoy... (1min15sec).

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"The moving finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your piety nor wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it."
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, LXXI

The light is like delicate paper caressing the wall.
Lantern paper. Translucent paper on the sand
of the walls. Should I write the calligraphies
of my heart here? Even before
the wind blows it away.

On these iconic, cuneiform tablets of light,
pillars marching over ancient surfaces,
sails of light, perhaps fleeing the rich shadows
of time itself, love letters to you in luminescent alphabets,
a song of creation creating itself?

In all its tragedies and magnificences,
amid broken columns of meaning,
crumpled, torn bits of marble or parchment,
a festival of light...Cleopatra with her Anthony,
Eloise with her Abelard, Juliet with her Romeo...
Interlacings of the numinosity of love
written on sheets of light.

©Brenda Clews 2005

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Reading Meme

I’ve been memed! By Richard Lawrence Cohen! Normally I don’t do meme-extracted confessionals, but here goes…


1. You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451. Which book do you want to be?

While my memory would have to improve vastly, I would like to be able to preserve and pass onto ages of less Dark Ages Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex. Now I don’t speak French, but the unexpurgated French edition is the one I’d have to memorize. Even though I don’t agree with all her ideas, I think her massive history of everything about how females are made, not born, is one of those pivotal books that only come along once in a long while. Beauvoir, I tip my glass of wine to you…

2. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?

There must be one somewhere…

3. The last book you bought was...?

A few days ago I purchased The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene at a used bookstore on Commercial Drive. I’ve been lusting after this book for some time, Chapters being out of stock when I last tried to order it. That it had just come in when I walked into the store and bought it is one of those wonderful coincidences that I don’t make as much of as Jung would have.

4. The last book you read was...?

Luminous Emptiness: Understanding the Tibetan Book of the Dead, by Francesca Fremantle, from the library. Last November I participated in NaNoWrMo, and wrote a 50,000 word novel in 30 days, a breathtaking experience. Anyway, as the month began I was working in the back offices of a funeral home, specifically in the vault that contains all the hand-written ledgers of the details of the funerary services and final resting places of the departed. The ledgers were amazing documents, and I considered them a modern “Book of the Dead,” and because they were essentially financial records was able to throw a lot of stuff on capitalism into the novel (believing that Capitalism is the “root philosophy” of our culture). So thus began my novel… anyway I had ANI from the Egyptian Book of the Dead appear as a mysterious blogger at one point, and included an otherworld journey based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead towards the end of my novel. Reading Fremantle’s book was just more research on the Bardo Thodol (she has some beautiful, lyrical passages but overall I found her thought too judgmental and rigid for my liking)…

5. What are you currently reading?

The Elegant Universe, and I’m loving it… O, those hidden dimensions, and those dancing, sweet, lyrical strings vibrating… always thought music was the highest art form, agree with Pound, et al, and now, seems, yes, vibrating coils in 11 dimensions are potentially the basis of all matter and thus a prime candidate for Einstein’s beloved unified field theory…

Sigh, okay, like any bibliophile, there are others in varying stages: Being Bodies by Lenore Friedman and Susan Moon, Fruitflesh by Gayle Brandeis, The Woman Who Pretended to Be Who She Was by Wendy Doniger, Selected Plays of Helene Cixous, edited by Eric Prenowitz, and, uhmm...

6. Five books you would take to a desert island...

Pl-ease, do you know how complicated this is? I take it seriously. Whatever I say I may indeed have to take with me to an imprisonment on a desert island. Okay, so I’m heavily into Norton’s on the desert island sojourn. Sorry! While it’s only blurbs, and that would be frustrating, I’d have to remember everything else I read from those snippets, and that’d keep me occupied, wouldn’t it, wouldn’t it?

-Norton Anthology of Literature
-Norton Anthology of Poetry
-Norton Anthology of Literature by Women
-Riverside Shakespeare
-Elegant Universe (can’t leave unfinished book behind yet!)
-and some Helene Cixous…O, maybe Promethea, I don’t know

That's 6, but...it's not enough!

And please, can I take the Internet with me? A wireless satellite connection? And some way to recharge my laptop batteries? Pl-ease…

7. Who are you passing this stick on to and why?

thenarrator, cause he’s my friend.
MoreWhereThatCameFrom, cause he’s too mysterious.
laurieglynn, cause she’s too mysterious too.
Lord Pineapple, cause I'm curious.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Shadows On The Wall

"Shadows On The Wall": A photo from this morning, a poem from this evening, both together in the image...

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Lighthouse Park

Maybe I'm on a kid blog binge: the red tulip was a gift from my son; the apple blossoms for my daughter; so I said to them, I'm going , I need trees. Get on the phone & on the NET, get us out of the house, on the sky train, and on the #250 bus to Horseshoe Bay.

The bus driver forgot to let us off, but I jumped up when I saw Beacon Lane, and he apologized as he let us off at the next stop, and back we walked. So we went hiking, there's nothing much to tell, or maybe another post tomorrow, but here's some pics. Yup: that's the trail; aren't those rocks something; and the lighthouse after which the park is named. It took us only an hour to get there, on a scenic bus ride over Lion's Gate Bridge, along the glistening rim of the Pacific ocean...

O, sorry, Spring out here in British Columbia was 2 months ago, now it's hot like Summer...

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Saturday, April 23, 2005

Woman of the Sun & Blossoms

Two disparate images today, one on a walk to the park in the hours just after dawn, the other a sketch I did lying in a hammock.

My daughter's the model, though she doesn't look like that, it's not a portrait, but inspired by her. Before she was born, I pulled a Tarot card for her, and it was the major arcana card, The Sun.

I'm calling it, "Woman of the Sun & Blossoms"...

It's just a bit of fun for the day...

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Solidifying Into Light

If you'd like to listen to a poetry reading, there is a 3 minute recording of this piece at my site at Sound Click: MP3 Recording of "Solidifying Into Light"

I like to work with multi-media approaches, the writing, an image, a reading...

Writing the words of a prose poem in an image is a time-consuming process, as I found when I photomontaged Horizon After Horizon of Singing Bowls. In "Solidifying Into Light" there is perhaps too much text, yet with much tweaking it can 'work,' if barely.

Creating an image to embed the writing in? It's always a challenge. Today, a photograph, of my amber pendant, my hand beneath the prose poem...


This prose poem arose out of a rather large case of plagiarism at a blog site that has now been closed down.

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Friday, April 15, 2005

It is crucial to NEVER forget...

Let us never, never forget: Liberation of Belsen.
I haven't been able to stop crying since watching this. Let us NEVER forget. Each generation must remember. NEVER LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN. EVER.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

A tree of birdhouses...

The way the branches form patterns, and that blue sky, and those birdhouses are incredible ~ from a master dollhouse maker's studio surely, the detail alone worth admiring. Photos from a walk an hour ago. (If you can't see it, go here: http://img38.echo.cx/img38/8194/birdhousesbc7og.jpg)

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Sky Tangos...

The birth of stars amidst colliding galaxies with their deathly black holes fascinates me...

Collisions of galaxies in the young universe caused prodigious star production even while the black holes at their centres increased exponentially.

Matter suctioned by the dense gravity of black holes flew at massive speeds inwards as gases were blasted to the outer fringes creating the luminescent edges of the merging galaxies.

The light pouring out of such ancient crucibles of creation and destruction creating the very memories we see emblazoned in the night sky through our telescopes.

In such collisions, a thousand more solar masses of stars formed each year than in our slower star-creating counterparts in the modern galaxies we exist in.

But when I look at simulations of colliding galaxies, I see only tangos and hot passion, sangrias and lust, sex and creating babies, the madness of merging amidst looming black holes and bright bursting stardust across the heavenly skies, an explosive terrain of love...

The photo is an active link back to the article at Space.com, for those of you who want to explore more...

A sweaty butterfly...

I've been languishing since I've found myself, once again, on the temp office work circuit. Which is work in a strange office, then stress a lot in the days between, work a bit in another strange office, stress more, you get the routine. I don't want to buy my monthly gym pass. I can't seem to make it to the park where jogging is free. Dance is too far away, mostly everything takes about 2 or more hours of transit for about 2 hours of dance, and again I don't want to spend the money. So lapse into lax muscles and the only cardio is considering my job prospects. O so lazy...

There is much mention of exercise in Blogland these days. Must be the Spring...

The image “http://www.aeroskip.com/newoptimised/ropesresize.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.My contribution to the Blogosphere Gym is cheap: a $5.00 skipping rope. Yesterday I set a timer for half an hour and skipped on a board thrown on the scrub called grass out back. I stopped constantly to retie my hair or catch my breath or because I can't manage the simple mechanics of turning a rope over my head and under my feet. Perhaps in that half hour I skipped for 20 minutes. Which is what I wanted to do. Then I did yoga for another 15 minutes, focussing on the spine and abdominals. I finished my 'work out' by walking around the house with two 5 lb weights stretching my arms way back and up and down like a sweaty butterfly for at least another 20 minutes.

Not much you must agree, but net result: today my calf muscles ache, and across my chest. It feels good. And not only was it *free* I didn't even have to brush my hair or wash my face or change from house clothes into jogging attire, just put on some running shoes...

Skipping is a great exercise and under-rated. I wonder why?

Self-Portrait with a Fascinator 2016

On Monday, I walked, buying frames from two stores in different parts of the city, then went to the Art Bar Poetry Series in the evening, ab...