Saturday, April 23, 2005

Woman of the Sun & Blossoms

Two disparate images today, one on a walk to the park in the hours just after dawn, the other a sketch I did lying in a hammock.

My daughter's the model, though she doesn't look like that, it's not a portrait, but inspired by her. Before she was born, I pulled a Tarot card for her, and it was the major arcana card, The Sun.

I'm calling it, "Woman of the Sun & Blossoms"...

It's just a bit of fun for the day...

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  1. I love the Woman of the Sun and Blossoms. I really like the sketch, especially the black on yellow...

  2. Thank you, sweet s.m. The yellow was a colour that photoshop picked up from the black and blue inks; I rather liked it, so made it the background...

    I appreciate your comments greatly. xo


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