Showing posts with label Women in Autumn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women in Autumn. Show all posts

Monday, December 14, 2009

Two new pages at my Art & Writings website

Been working on my Art & Writings website, put up two pages: "Women in Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter, 2008-2009," and, finally, a "Lifedrawings" page, and redid the Navigation Buttons. You can see the Navigation Buttons below every post, and they are active links to those pages at my website - and you can see which page with a mouse-rollover. I've changed a few of the images, with intention to change the last three whenever. I only put up this website last June but already it is filling up. I've been working on it for 12 hours straight today, finding images, re-sizing them, dealing with html, positioning, layout, etc. etc, and was up till 3am last night a-werking on-the-website.

☆sort of tired☆ of .( ․or perhaps high from°☆.․ ․:)♥staring at a pixelated screen♥:))))♪♫¸¸

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pencil Sketch for Women in Autumn

From Women In Autumn
73cm x 52cm, 28.75" x 20.5", pencil on 300lb Arches watercolor paper.

Women in Autumn - barest pencil sketch of the same figures I've used in Women in Spring, Summer, and Winter. The figures who are all one figure. One nameless woman that I spent 2 or 3 hours drawing in November 2006 at a drop-in lifedrawing session.

This was drawn maybe a month ago but I haven't posted it here since I thought I could take a better photo by placing the drawing against a window when the sun is streaming in. Only I forgot about it, and now, ah well. Here is the sketch for the final painting in the series, Women in the Seasons, which can be seen at my website (scroll down).

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Is there still a blogging community?

It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...