Monday, May 18, 2009

Dance of the Solar Wind (2:28min)

A recording of a prosepoem. While I made the recording in 2007, I never posted it. This morning I played with it in Garageband, adding loops (actually, this is the first time I have ever done this - a new direction perhaps). Surprisingly, I like it. Not sure about the image, oh, not the sun, the sun is beautiful in its golden fields of fire, but, hey, I don't have a whole lot of images of myself.

Read the text here.


DSL or Cable



  1. It's a pleasure to be the first to comment on this wonderful piece Brenda, I know how much I always enjoy your words, your poetry, your videos, your voice and this is no different plus there is the added bonus of great music!

  2. Thank you, Boris... I seem to get comments elsewhere, Facebook, pre-Sim site, Gather, and not here... ah, so. I appreciate your response, and am glad you enjoyed this piece.

    After what you posted on the temperatures backed up graphically with the plight of the koalas - real cute photos, oh, sooo cute - I do hope you've air conditioning, and aren't living in 44C/111F conditions.


  3. Brenda, it's perfect! What's not to love? I love the music along with the solar painting and the words pushing their envelope into the birth of this whole piece. I especially love the way you designed the ending of the music. And the line -- "is love open heart surgery?" Thanks for that.


  4. Anonymous10:07 AM

    This makes me think of a Dervish. You are on fire. This is a wonderful piece.

  5. [from the ning site no longer]

    Comment by John F Walter on June 2, 2009 at 7:18pm

    I posted an extensive commenton your Rubies In Crystal blogspot, and wanted to copy it here, Brenda, but for some reason I can´t find it through google or going to your site, even after searching on your tripod site. Suffice it to say I was blown away by the intense solar metaphors in this work, the opening to passion it spoke out in rapturous word.

    Comment by Brenda Clews on June 3, 2009 at 10:49pm

    Ah, John, that's because you didn't leave it at Rubies, but at Gather. Now how're we to keep track of our multiple blogs, huh. I ask. :-) with an other sideways smile (-: (too bad they don't flip upright the way they used to in the Olde Google Chatte). Here it is, and as ever, wonderful. Many thanks.

    "John F Walter May 23, 2009, 4:48pm EDT

    ¨Is love open heart surgery?¨Man, that´s such a great line and really for me the key to this piece.

    You give us a full-bodied expression of the amatory, cardio organ included, through a contemporary inflection into an intensely personal vision of ecstatic sacred love, that in many ways, though studded with reference to consciousness, painting, intercontinental travel and the inescapability of the ¨solar wind¨-- this prose poem´s central conceit--a 21st cent entry into the medieval mystical poetry of love which we associate with Ibn Arabi, Kabir, Rumi, Hildegaard of Bingen, St. John of The Cross, and Sor Juana.

    There is a human subject for so much love, but there is also a sense of the transcendence with this beloved by the speaker into a co-creating Presence bigger than them both.

    Your reading was spectacular, Brenda, the choice of improvisational jazz piano, your phrasings in accompaniment building the piece to its climax, your sense of the beats where the love that the speaker evinces takes flight.

    A perfect fusion of jazz music and poetry, performance and lyrical text. One of my favorite spoken word pieces of yours so far.

    You set a high standard for the rest of the pre-Simulationists to match themselves against."


Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...