Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Birth Paintings, 1986-1989

It's only taken me 10 years to do this! A slideshow. Large enough to see. A page at my Art & Writings Website. Even a price sticker. The option to order art prints is always available and preferable.

(Click on the slideshow anywhere to go to Picasa and view a 'larger show.' If you have Cooliris installed, then of course you can view at fullscreen.)

From Brenda Clews, Birth Paintings 1987-1989

Direct Link: Birth Paintings, 1987-1989


  1. I was blown away by the quality and originality of these images, Brenda. Collectively they come across in the slide show as a staggering achievement, on the level of Judy Chicago´s Dinner Party or Martha Rosler´s Semiotics Of The Kitchen. The entire set of original works should be in the Whitney, for chrissakes, or Canada´s equivalent of the Whitney. (I hope you´re just selling off lithographs of photo facsimiles and not original paintings, these should be put in major museum together.)
    My appreciation of your entire painting oeuvre just skyrocketed. Now I have to one day own some of your work. God, give me the strength to make the luck I need to earn the sum you deserve for work such as this.

  2. John, ahh, such sweet praise, of course I revel for a moment in the light you shine my way and deeply appreciate your beautiful support.

    You give all of us so much with your passion, generosity of spirit, your vast knowledge, and your own considerable talent.

    Whatever 'price' I attached to those paintings, likely it'll go up or be rescinded entirely. I far prefer to offer 'art prints' and will someday become organized in that regard. My feeling is that this series of paintings ought to remain together; they are a story in themselves. They've been in storage for 6 years now, but I do remember when the first 10 of them graced my dining room wall when I owned a house. Whatever that energy was, it came and passed. And I was deliciously used and spent and left with enormous respect for the creative energy of the universe we live in. It came my way for a bit. May it nourish us all to achieve our greatest dreams.


  3. Brenda, I agree with all these expressions of the potency and visceral power in your work on this page.

    Oswald certainly wrote a lot of comments!

    At any rate, I'm excited to explore all of this great material'll take some time to really absorb it. It's vivacious, dynamic, and honest. Thanks!

    And congrats on the hard work and persistence you invested in getting your work online!

  4. Thanks so much for dropping by, Aviva. Really appreciate it. xoxoxo


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