Sunday, January 07, 2007

To Stay, or To Go, That is the Question

Lifedrawing Nov 05 - pose from the backShould I stay, or move on?

This question central in many facets of my life presently. Yet even the new vistas we explore become continuations of the old issues from which we cannot escape. The larger ones, that are like the song we continually sing of our lives. I am always ready to move on; staying becomes a challenge that really is the musical score I dance. Leaving is easy, staying is hard, and knowing this doesn't make it any easier. There is nowhere to go anyhow. All new scenarios become reflections of all the old scenarios until you understand that you cannot escape yourself. If you cannot escape from yourself you might as well relinquish resistance to whatever it is in the present circumstance that you want to leave. Life certainly has its own logic but it is most irrational in its insistence on keeping you on your path of challenges no matter whether you stay or move on!


  1. You capture a present agony for me in both the question and answer you explore: stay? there is nowhere to go. Though resolved, I spend days in despair. I wish it weren't so.

    I continue to "lurk," Brenda; and I continue to read your work. I am free to write only here and there, from time to time.

    Your voice is one I continue to listen for through the gray of shadows. -mg

  2. Mary, I never want to lose touch with you...

    You completely understand, as I understand you.

    It'll work out, it always does in its own fashion. But they need our caring, our love.



Is there still a blogging community?

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