Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year's 2007

New Year's 2007

After dancing for hours to the beat of 30 or 40 ecstatic drummers on African drums, walking home past groups of revellers and noisy happy nightclubs, near dawn, I took this to celebrate the New Year with you...

During this festive time of the birth of the light, of the New Year, wishing you pure magic and joy, prosperity and success.

That the dance of impermanence flows with agility, grace, openess, love.


  1. A year that begins with 30 or 40 ecstatic drummers has no choice but to be wonderful! Love your colors, Brenda--

  2. Your slide show is inspiring...

  3. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Beautiful dreams and wishes for us.

    Thank You.

  4. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Happy new year, Brenda, may the drumming and the bright colours keep you dancing throughout the year.

  5. Happy New Year, beautiful Brenda! I'll be in touch.

  6. Thank you Patry, and Chuck, and Bruce, and Natalie, and Jean!

    Many, many beautiful blessings this year for all of you too!


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