Friday, April 07, 2006

Drawing Down the Muse

The thing is, I sold Disappearing Into Each Other, and promised a print of this too. Only I took and played with lighting on the image last Summer when I was without a computer and didn't save the original, and large, version. Meaning I can't get a clear 7" x 5" print out of it. So I spent 3 hours today trying to duplicate the lighting, approaching it, but...

Not quite. Should I try again tomorrow, or is this good enough?

Older Version, popular, downloaded nearly 900 times at another site, but not enough resolution for a print

Newer Version, in a high enough resolution for a print


  1. try again tomorrow. the lighting on the original is amazing.

  2. I agree. I know 3 hours is a lot of time already but it will be worthwhile to get the same feel.

  3. Sky, thank you, and yes, I agree.

    MB, I'm not sure it's possible to reproduce.

    I shall try on a better day again, though.



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