Friday, February 03, 2006

White Fire

Old projects that you didn't finish and feel guilty about? Ah, I know those. Some of them won't let you alone, though. Like White Fire. Blogs are always new, none of us want to read stuff from years past, so I've posted the beginning of this epic prose poem at my website. And I hope, by doing so, that that act triggers me to get back on it. I need to stop looking at it as a massive research project (which it is) and as something tiny and possible (which it is in incremental bits).

White Fire
began in 2000. I wrote about 6 pages, which I read on a poetry show on a local radio station. It almost became a performance in 2001 too, with a troupe of a dozen disparate singers and dancers, but that's another story (that I'll obviously have to tell if I get back to the work).

It's an epic prose poem on the history of love in our culture. Ostensibly, that is, we'll see.

It's theme is a discussion on whether 'soul mates' exist. I personally don't believe in 'eternal' soul mates, only that your soul mate is whoever you're in love with, no more than that. But the question of love, ah.......


  1. Thank you for the link. I read yesterday, and was left wanting more... and now I see there is more! Back to reading...

  2. ...So I was pondering last night the nature of desire and its similarities (or not) to the creative impulse, to the spiritual sense of oneness... in light of this your writing is very interesting. I hope you get back to it, too.

  3. Thank you, mb, I hope so too. You know how some things nag at you, in the back of your mind, and won't let you alone until you pay attention and just get down to it...

    Oh, of course you know.


Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...