Friday, June 24, 2005

The Red Flower...

Is this risqué? To post, I mean; no, it isn't, not at all, but, then again, I don't know... even hardworking "equality" feminists can get irate over the moon-time, it makes us different to that "one sex" white-uppermiddleclass-male everyone aspires to (except some of us don't). I'm a difference feminist. But not essentialist. Despite what it may or may not look like here. An embodiment theorist. Make of it what you will...

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  1. Really, our bodies make of us what they will, nicht?

    The illusion that we run them like a captain running an obedient ship grows ever harder to sustain, as we get older. (Thank God.)

  2. Thank you, dale. Our bodies are a strangely integral part of us, aren't they? -:) For a man to leave a comment on a moon flow post, that's something. Of course I subbed to you... xo


Is there still a blogging community?

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