Friday, December 11, 2009


A tiny ink and paint sketch, Earthlight, 11"x4.5", my Black Madonna, light of the earth. I'll probably use her as a bookmark in Carl Jung's huge, The Red Book. Drawn in the madness of Baghdad in those hours past midnight. Click on image to view larger version.

I don't know why I didn't colour in her hair, probably because I liked the contrast. But her skin - rich honied earthtones, golden and chocolate - yes.

My intention was to write of the new direction my artwork is taking and to add a little sketch for interest. But the sketch became a poem painting and with the colours of the letters festive (there were letters like coloured lights strung along the bottom which I had uploaded but changed my mind on seeing in the post). Perhaps the energy of poem painting is upon me, but if you'd like the mantle for a bit, I'd be honoured to pass it on.

As I release myself from having always to draw from life, I find I am able to compose drawings and paintings from my imagination.

This makes working in visual media easier. As a homebody, nay 'recluse,' enrolling in art classes is difficult (especially since unemployed at the moment, and even when employed the salary is small). I reuse my old drawings from lifedrawing sessions over and over. I think about what I would like to do but cannot afford models or to arrange scenes as I would like them.

I think my artwork has not progressed as it might if I hadn't had this problem.

Now the possibilities open.

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

For Baghdad

2009, 11"x9¼", 28cmx23.5cm, 
inks, oil pastel on archival paper
(I wrote into the drawing as I was
drawing; later I edited the words 
slightly into the poem that
accompanies the image)

throw bones

bone men
char men

cartilage has no
nerve endings

Baghdad is burning
-the bombers are coming-
hide your children

the god of fire thunder is upon us
the god who eats men

armor yourselves for it is useless
shrapnel sharp spinning
from the god's eye

cease & desist
cease & desist
cease & desist

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Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Imaginary People Leaping into Unknown Situations

imaginary people leaping into unknown situations

A wee bit of humor today! ☆lol ♥♪

(click for larger size - it'll open even if the image is strangely absent from this page ;;)))

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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Musical creativity promoting creative processes...


Direct link: Jean Toba's Cyb'air, described as 'gascoAmbientoJazzFunk contemporain relaxant.'

* The simplicity of this electronic music with its white spaces is conducive to my inner poetic thoughts. It's not shifting my brainwaves so much as moving with them. How this is I cannot explain. Is this ambient background music or muse to create by? A bicycle pump & air? Too wild for words. And yet it's gentle, opening pathways rather than probing; allowing a strange rhythm rather than imposing one. I like! I like!

Jean Toba writes in his album notes:

I published this album, to answer to many fans demands (2 or 3) and to the heavy request of my dear grandmother a hundred years old who could still not hear the musical treasures of her little jean.. . that's done, I can sleep quiet and my grandmother too.

Cyb'Air or the incredible meeting between a computer and a bicycle pump.

The cover of the album illustrates perfectly this historic meeting !

From this meeting spouted out three sound petals (tocToc berlin and robotGym). This is the little sound bunch I offer you ... It's easier to share than a little pot of butter available to web surfers!

TocToc : it scratchs, it strikes, it is bizarrrre, it undulates, it rubs, it squeaks, it is jean Toba. Berlin is an autumn stroll in Berlin in the early 20 th century.

RobotGym : it is an atmosphere in the way of Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" .

Go on relax and listen!

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Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...