Showing posts with label India ink sketch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India ink sketch. Show all posts

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Green Fire 1

Green Fire, 21cm x 29.2cm, 8" x 11.5", Moleskine, ink.


'Follow the green fire that's in your life and in mine. Billow. Float through green streams of smoke. Remember to look under the burning leaf.'

'waiting for spring in the emotional subconscious'

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Secrets - a draft

Secrets, 20.5cm x 25.5cm, 8"x10", India inks, archival pen inks, graphite, coffee spill, uploaded January 11, 2011 - a doodle, though I did make a stop and start voice recording as I was writing the words (you can hear the pen scratching on paper in some of it). I'll see about hosting the recording somewhere, and transcribing it I guess. I don't think this piece is finished yet, though maybe it is.

If you click on the drawing, it'll open to a larger size in a new window. It's later, and I've made an .mp3. You can listen. The words are in the drawing, all of them and I'm reading them to you via a 'voice memo' on my iPhone as I'm writing them.

Raw drawing; raw recording. No performance or finesse here. I had to try this once, and once is enough truly.

Not sure how listenable... recorded while composing the writing in the drawing, and you can hear the pen scratching, me flipping pages to look for written images, and the slowness. Voice following the fingers. Reading what's being written, rather than composing out loud. Unable to post as is, the flat voice, so I had to. Bamboo Music, a background.

Brenda Clews, words, voice, mix; background music, Bamboo Music's 'Last Flute,' a free mp3 download on

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Shaman of the Feather - sketch

A sketch inked an hour ago while sitting on my bed (gingerly gripping the open ink bottle - oh those white sheets). I wanted the feather to be his spine because he is shaman of the feather. The dancing will is determination. When finished he likely won't look like this, though this is the backbone. Shaman of the Feather, 11"x15", 27.9x38.1cm, Strathmore cold press Watercolor. Click on image to view larger size.

shaman of the feather
healer of the soft touch

into the storm eye

power of the dancing will

ghost rattle

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Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Imaginary People Leaping into Unknown Situations

imaginary people leaping into unknown situations

A wee bit of humor today! ☆lol ♥♪

(click for larger size - it'll open even if the image is strangely absent from this page ;;)))

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Is there still a blogging community?

It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...