Showing posts with label Starfire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Starfire. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Falling Room - Nov 18th show

Halder offers these downloads of his radio show, The Falling Room, every week, and I really enjoy them during long night walks. Sharing, and not just because I'm in this one (it was a surprise this morning):

The Falling Room – November 18, 2011

This week’s show starts with three world fusion pieces; Lumin’s work “Lumin” and two compositions from Irfan titled “Salome” and “Monsalvato”.

Next is a well known Canadian artist to The Falling Room, The Violence and the Sacred, with their 1987 highly experimental piece “The Rivers of my Viscous Sperm” from the Lost Horizons CD. Another Canadian artist follows, Reinhard Von Berg with “Cult Figure” which completes the first half hour of the program.

The next half hour of The Falling Room continues with poet/artist Brenda Clews, with “What is Underground Is What Holds Us” from her Starfire album and Tetrix with “Imagination”.

I end the show with two tracks from the Polish artist Sulatus, from his new Tip album I present “Poland’s Sky” and “Not Sure”.

You can download the November 18, 2011 TFR here.

Please feel free to share the program with other artists or interested listeners.

Thank you for listening.
Joe (aka Halder)
Host and Produce of the Canadian Experimental Music Radio Program - THE FALLING ROOM
Broadcast live on Fridays at 8PM and repeated Tuesdays at Midnight on 103.7FM CFBU Radio

Joe has played a number of poems from my Starfire album, here is the one he played last Friday (in case you don't want to download the whole hour, I wasn't sure - this player is easy to embed).

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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Testing Video Lightbox to showcase a few pieces of the new album

I am testing Video Lightbox, a freeware application for home users. I have to add some code to my blog site html for the embeds to work as their site shows, but, if what I have done here works for you the way it does on my computer, I'm quite happy.

I've created two poetry albums so far. The first, Dance of the Solar Wind, was a collection of different pieces that had music accompaniment. The second, Starfire, was thematic, and I culled all my love poems and recorded them with music of musicians who share their work on Jamendo. For my next album, I thought to create a longer poem and find an album in the 40-60 min range to work with.

When José Travieso released his album, No More Faith, I thought, wow, this album travels all over the place musically, from neo-classical to minimalism to an anti-music bordering on noise in the last piece. The range of styles in this album appealed to me. I wrote to him asking his permission, and he said yes. Then I thought, it is a long album, what shall I write, it might be too much work to try to fit my poetry into the format of the tracks on the album, and I'll remain open to finding other music. But this album, No More Faith, has made a deep impact in my imagining psyche. Already two videos, with a third planned, and a voice recording.

The Video Lightbox test is to see if I can display the collection that is growing in little thumbnails that open into videos.

I've linked the images to the videos. The videos open on my computer in a new tab of full-screen browser size, which I prefer to YouTube's full screen option. They are set at 720px HD resolution, but you can change this once the player opens.

I hope this works! Click on the images.

(direct YouTube link): dance/ ...indigo folio leaves (3:04min);
music, the first track, 'Monster,' on José Travieso's album, "No More Faith."

A reading of my poem, Wear White Paint for the Moon (2:53min);
music, the ninth track, 'Shinigami's Dream, No. 6,' on José Travieso's album, "No More Faith."
José has kindly created an 11:24min version of this track for a video poem I am planning.

(direct YouTube link): The Dancer's Backskin (1:30min);
music, the final track, 'Shinigami's Dream, No. 1,' on José Travieso's album, "No More Faith."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love on the Love Day

direct link: Starfire

On the day of love an album of love poetry.

My poems, overall, are about a poetics of love... the spirit in our loving.

Though I am a lyrical poet who writes love poems, usually in the first person with an I and thou, an other, a lover, with whom the narrator of the poem speaks. I have accepted this about my writing. It's my natural gesture, the way I think, how my heart beats.


Every day is a love day, of course, but Valentine's celebrates romantic love.

Perhaps to be contrary to the sugar-coating edges of Valentine's, and to remind us of the beauty of friendship, Dave Bonta put out a call for, and created a podcast celebrating Platonic love. Listening to it, and there is a full range of poetry expressing many aspects of non-sexual love, I'd say, in summation, Platonic love is going through a bit of a crisis in these viagra-driven times. In some regards, our culture is characterized by highly sexed media productions where profligacy is rampant. The simple joys of friendship are over-looked - though, often, as the poems in this collection attest, there are difficulties and pain here too.

While I support the vibrancy and energy of eros, there has to be feeling, intimacy. Unless we are unique individuals to each other, affirmative, inspiring, fulfilling love cannot happen.

What holds our heart? Often deep and life-long friendships are dearer to us because they are comfortable, stable and constant, which is in contrast to the rather bumpy serial monogamies that are the stories of many of our lives.

Whether the beauties of Platonic love can call our muses to their heights of expression, I don't know. These attachments are safe, easy, uncomplicated. And, really, the story of love in most of our lives in most of the world is the bulwark of friendship.

Veils to Clothe Venus is included in Dave's podcast.

Woodrat Podcast 34: Platonic Love.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Donating all sales of my Collector's Edition to Jamendo

January 8, 2011

Dear Jamendo,

I created an album of poetry recordings with tracks of music by mostly Jamendo musicians. To go with this album, I made a 26 page .pdf file of the text of the poems. I offered it in my 'store' for 5 €.

What I would like is to donate any and all proceeds to Jamendo, 100%.

Now no-one has bought the Collector's Edition, and perhaps no-one ever will. But if anyone does, I'd like ALL proceeds to go to Jamendo.

In thanks, thanks for your site, thanks for your service, thanks for your support of musicians...

Let me know how to do this,

warm regards,

January 10, 2011

Hi Brenda,

Thank you for the sweet message. That is a very kind offer and we very much
appreciate it! To make a donation to jamendo, you can go into your admin panel
and click where it says "payments." At the top, there is a place where it says
"make a donation to jamendo."

I have listened to your poetry and I think it is absolutely captivating. Thank
you so much for posting it to our site!

Have a wonderful week.


08.01.2011 17:10 - Brenda Clews a écrit:
-The Jamendo Team

Nicole M

41, Avenue la Gare, L-1611 LUXEMBOURG, LUXEMBOURG
Email: - Web:

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Is there still a blogging community?

It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...