Showing posts with label Donation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donation. Show all posts

Monday, January 10, 2011

Donating all sales of my Collector's Edition to Jamendo

January 8, 2011

Dear Jamendo,

I created an album of poetry recordings with tracks of music by mostly Jamendo musicians. To go with this album, I made a 26 page .pdf file of the text of the poems. I offered it in my 'store' for 5 €.

What I would like is to donate any and all proceeds to Jamendo, 100%.

Now no-one has bought the Collector's Edition, and perhaps no-one ever will. But if anyone does, I'd like ALL proceeds to go to Jamendo.

In thanks, thanks for your site, thanks for your service, thanks for your support of musicians...

Let me know how to do this,

warm regards,

January 10, 2011

Hi Brenda,

Thank you for the sweet message. That is a very kind offer and we very much
appreciate it! To make a donation to jamendo, you can go into your admin panel
and click where it says "payments." At the top, there is a place where it says
"make a donation to jamendo."

I have listened to your poetry and I think it is absolutely captivating. Thank
you so much for posting it to our site!

Have a wonderful week.


08.01.2011 17:10 - Brenda Clews a écrit:
-The Jamendo Team

Nicole M

41, Avenue la Gare, L-1611 LUXEMBOURG, LUXEMBOURG
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