Saturday, January 21, 2012

Titling 'Tangled Garden'

As I finally draw near to completion with this 22 minute video project, I have to do the titles.

I took the original video May 9, 2011, and watched it over and over on the viewfinder of my video camera, wondering what I would do with it. It is very rhizomatous. In June I went to the park with my daughter twice to video some creative movement, yoga dance, whatever you want to call it, for this long videopoem. Out of that footage I did make two solstice videos last year, commemorating the sun's closeness ('Green Goddess' dance) and distance (Shadow Cave), and those videos have done very well (relatively speaking) I am happy to say. Tangled Garden might be live by the end of the week - how exciting that prospect is! Months and months of work finally coming to completion.

Ok. It's an 'art video' - not much happens, but..... that's alright. It has its own magic.

Anyway, it is a triptych of 3 long poems, which I did spend 3 days subtitling, so that should work out nicely.

So here are the titles - any suggestions are appreciated!

Tangled Garden 

a film by Brenda Clews

a triptych of nature poems
by Brenda Clews

-A Floral Opera (2011)
-In the Hands of the Garden Gods (1979)
-Slipstream, the Tangled Garden (2006)

with the singer Catherine Corelli 
from her album, Seraphic Tears (2010).

at the end:


written, spoken, performed, videoed and edited
by ©Brenda Clews 2012

with special thanks to
Catherine Corelli

'Seraphic Tears':

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