Wednesday, January 11, 2012

On Acupuncture, and levitation...

Susan Munro gave me an incredible acupuncture treatment last night. Tendonitis in my wrist... worn a brace for a month now. During the treatment, with acupuncture needles in my ankles and wrist and hands, in a darkened room, under her healing hands, my wrist felt like floating upwards, and I didn't resist.

When my forearm levitated it felt like blue sky or summer breeze, very gentle... it was as if the energy in the chakras in her hands pulled my wrist up so that the healing energy could surround it fully and completely... never had anything like that happen before, but it was effortless, could have kept my hand in the air for hours... and when I sensed that the treatment was over in the energy of her hands, I allowed my wrist to float down to the small pillow like a feather slowly falling.

"But, Susan," I said afterwards, "Can you levitate my whole body?" I'd sure like to know what floating in the air feels like!!! :) Haha, "No," she said, "No-one has ever levitated in my healings, or had their arm levitate."

Sigh. I still think it's worth a try!

Susan is a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Chinese Herbalist, Acupuncturist, Reiki Master and Esoteric Healer (and sometimes Saint). Oh, and a poet too!

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Woman with Flowers 7.1

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