Thursday, October 01, 2009

Some Favourite Websites and Blogs

Just for fun, created a little mosaic on my 'Links' page at my website - the websites displayed here are just like being on the real pages, you can browse, read, even leave comments! Click on the names above each site, which I've hyperlinked, if you're tantalized and would like to go to their websites.

Stephen Hatfield

Stephen Hatfield

John F Walter

Dance Our Way Home - Erica Ross

Home Videopoetry Celestial Dancers Photopoems Birthdance Bliss Queen Bio Earth Rising Life Drawings Creative Process Links Comments


  1. i am always amazed at how your new ideas continue to manifest and how technically agile you are.

  2. It's a Google gadget (found through Google Sites) - an iFrame tool that I put, I feel, to good use. :) While it may take a while to load, I'd like to make a more complete mosaic of tiny fully operational windows into these websites. Note: your beautiful blog. But if you'd rather not be re-broadcast in my Art & Writings site, let me know. Though I love to honour you, your writing, your husband's photography.


Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...