Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jade Heart

Am I writing? Am I painting? Am I watching a film? Am I laughing with friends?
I'm beading.

Some of us become true hippies late.


  1. I want you to make me a beaded necklace I can wear during my visit to see you one day in Canada. I´ll sit there across from you, crosslegged as you are Indian style, breathing deeply to calm myself down out of my initial excitement, and stare down at the amazing ornamental collar your dexterous fingers have wrought.

    What I see here is stunning in the way art in the Sixties was mindblowing, back when it was still the Sixties!

    I should know, my sweet, I lived at Haight and Masonic (two blocks from Ashbury) for five years, from 86 to 91, taking in the archeology of found relics, objets trouvés, from that magic kingdom of bliss.

  2. So, you want a beaded necklace, hmnnn... I'll see what I can do. :winks:

    And John I swear you've lived at least ten or more lives in the one that the rest of us are living! Two blocks from Ashbury huh. I'll bet you have stories to tell!

    I enjoyed your brief reference to spending "half an hour" with the 'amazingly charismatic' Loreena McKennit in the early 90s in Granada and not knowing how talented she was and being blown away by the "Mask and the Mirror" a year later. This story now part of the magic of the Alhambra, where she shot an incredible video that can be seen at YouTube and where you are currently working on a book-length poem on Escher and the Alhambra. The photos of which are most beautiful. And that's only another of your lives!


Is there still a blogging community?

It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...