Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Go Backwards Along the Path to Go Forward

Audio Poetry Recording (9:27min): Cable/DSL; or Dial-up.

*If your pop-up blocker is over-zealous, and won't open the SoundClick window, email me at brenda dot clews at gmail dot com, and I'll send the .mp3 file - it's 5.4MB.

Recorded this suite of poems in the Summer, wasn't sure, oh you know the drill, but now, sharing...

More of a drama in this reading, I think. Each poem recorded separately and then spliced, so the readings shift in tone and tenor.

Busy couple of days, and then at a conference on Thursday, where I'm presenting twice, and may or may not post again until after Sunday, but I will write in my notebook, yes!

Listen in the dark, or when you're quiet. The poems in the recording:

1. Ecdysis
2. Technorati Tag Poem
3. Mantra, a Meditation
4. Painting Time
5. Without A Guide
6. What Revelations Are to Come?
7. After Watching Kurosawa's 'Rapsody in August'
8. Sultry Dark Air
9. Heliotropic Coda

(©Brenda Clews)


  1. The conference sounds fascinating. Bring back lots of poems and inspiration!

  2. I enjoyed hearing you read these, they come alive in a totally different way than the way I read them to myself.

  3. Patry, it was a fantastic conference, truly inspiring. My presentations went well - lots of compliments on my poetry reading; controversy after my theoretic paper, impassiond dialogue which I enjoyed, knowing I'd found what I had suspected was a raw nerve.

    Ester, thank you so much. That recording took forever; I'm glad you found it an okay listen.


Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...