Monday, October 16, 2006

Death of Time

My words silt in the paddies of time, flooded with being.
Time drowns us.

Break out of time: escapee.
Leave the encircling fields of the centuries.

Plummet silence.

Breathe without tracking, calibration, rates, or seizures.

When time stops we die.


  1. Anonymous12:50 AM

    This is most fascinating. Time~its' mortal reign~yet, do we not long for Timelessness~or at least that space inbetween Time and Timelessness. That is Awen~yes.

    Many Blessings~

  2. Stunning work! The pushme-pullyou of dependence and the need to break free. The eternal tango of the 2nd and 7th lines.

  3. I have always been jealous of poets...

    break out of time, yes...

    see, things inspire magestically, so we seek out all that we can in our universes.


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