Saturday, May 20, 2006

"Never Got to Love You"

My tiny video clip of Leonard Cohen and Anjani Thomas, that Google kindly uploaded directly. I was holding the camera high above my head, couldn't see the viewfinder. The clip stops because my camera ran out of memory. It's just under 2 minutes. They are singing, "Never Got to Love You" from the CD.

I took this image from Book of Longing off the Blue Alert website, have digitally added copyright information and linked it to the site. It's too beautiful not to share.

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  1. Lovely, thank you. I think of this as connected to the previous post. But of course, it also stands on its own.

  2. MB, it is, and would have followed the previous post, but...

    I was happy to discover, though, between the time I first tried unsuccessfully to upload it to hosting sites and when I came back to it that Google had created a video uploading service that didn't require downloading any software (an older iMac, a problem).

    I hope it plays, it does on my computer -:)

    Nightingale more than enough though!

  3. Will try to view the movie at the library (which has DSL, as opposed to my dial-up). Beautiful melding of media -- to which I look forward to seeing the added video component....

  4. ah, e-journeys, hi, and it's not anything much, but it is live, shot by a *fellow blogger* :)

  5. I should say, even in my mini clip, they're very sweet up on stage...

  6. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I like the sea of heads in the foreground of your video, moving like a breeze. It's good that you caught a bit of that performance, even if her voice somewhat drowns out the old master's hoarse sound....

  7. Great capture (I'm writing this at the library) -- Glad I was able to see it!

  8. Natalie, he sat at the back edge of the stage, like an old mother hen, his progeny singing his poetry (their musical arrangement I suspect, or perhaps even mostly hers), intending to let her carry the show. But, lithe-voiced silken lady that she is, after singing four songs from Blue Alert she said, "I started singing for Leonard in 1984, and now he's gonna come and help me..." The crowd went wild. He got up and, 'So Long Marianne,' and 'Never Got to Love You,' inbetween leaving, encores, returning. It was unstructured. Oh, it was grand. Much fun for a rainy Saturday afternoon (though the rain held off for the concert, see how divinely blessed it was).

    e_journeys, I guess this means we're gonna do more video, huh. I will if you do... :)


Woman with Flowers 7.1

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