Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The 'Lizard Man.' What do we do with our intuitions?

During the half-light when waking up I saw a 'Gargoyle Man' staring at our cottage (years ago when I was still married and had a cottage). He was a greenish colour, sort of like a stage costume, half statue, half man, eyes fixed on the cottage, not on me as I imaginally attempted to be seen. I thought, oh, a representation of the "Green Man" from British Isles myth, and started researching stone gargoyles on churches and houses. That wasn't the meaning at all. No invitation by my subconscious for an archetypal jaunt. The cottage was broken into a few weeks later.

I saw a similar 'Gargoyle Man' standing in the back yard staring at our house in Vancouver. A few weeks later the house was broken into when my kids were home and I was at work. It was very stressful.

Not much was taken either time. The images of the 'Gargoyle Men' preceded the break-ins both times. The men in the images were boyish, Pan-like, mischievous, but not harmful. As with any break-in, though, I felt marked, violated. The burglars had been considering, watching.

This morning in that half-light, coming out of the wells of the light of my dreams, I saw, not a 'Gargoyle Man,' but a 'Lizard Man.' The same fixated stare at where I live. The same greenish colour. Only his body was actually a lizard's. We live in a basement, and there is a small array of insects down here that you'd find any place you lived close to nature (or the earth, as we are). So this 'Lizard Man' is somehow associated with that: the occasional potato bugs, ants, spiders. Something reptilian. Or I would assume. And less human than the 'Gargoyle Men.' Of course I'm worried!

Based on my previous intuitions, and this one was as strong, I'd say I'm due for another break-in. What I want to know is how to prevent what I see coming.

Having strong intuitions is one thing, knowing what to do is another. When I 'see' something like this it's like an archytypal 'stage set'; I can flit about, looking at the scene from many angles, but am powerless to enter it and change its script.

Each of the times it happened before, I couldn't. As the 'Gargoyle Men' were unaffected by my imaginal presence, so I didn't figure in the actual break-ins. But when you receive a 'warning' there must be some way to offset the possible series of actions that is about to take place?

I never took the 'visions' of the 'Gargoyle Men' seriously, and they had a connection to real life. Perhaps by writing about one of these images, it will change the outcome? If we live in a Quantum Mechanical world, that is.

What does a 'Lizard Man' mean?


  1. I'm hoping your move occurs before the lizard returns.

  2. Cool, my latest novel is based on the Green Man.

  3. Patry, now that would be a perfect solution! :)

    Zinnia, welcome, the Green Man is fascinating & must have been intriguing to write about.

  4. what about posting a security system protection sign near the entrance and back side of the house and keeping all doors and windows locked during day and night? break-ins would frighten me very much. :(

    many people do not protect their homes with locked doors. some sleep with the windows open when they are on ground level and climbing inside is an easy entrance. i think both of these are tempting those who watch for the easy home to burgle. you are right - often the victims are observed in advance of the crime.

    be safe....and careful. :)

  5. You could foil the "break in" by opening everything up as much as possible... open the windows, open the doors, throw out a welcome sign, leave cookies for the lizards. I think it takes away too much of the fun of "breaking in" when you invite a lizard, and if you're going to lose all of your stuff anyway, you can at least choose to make yourself a part of the experience of the staging. ...call it a kind of running into the moment rather than resisting it. Too weird? -mg

  6. Lizard man - wow, creepy! I don't know what one does with intuition, premonition, except accept it as normal for sensitive people and refuse to be freaked out. Being open, not being cautious, has obviously served you well in recent months. Break-ins can happen whatever precautions you take, so no point getting worried over practical issues - even if you decide not to adopt the approach Mary suggests.


Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...