Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Do you have an iconography of intuitive images?

One of the problems with intuition is that it doesn't operate according to causal logic. The first two times I 'saw' "Gargoyle Man" (see yesterday's post, 'Lizard Man') I let events unfold with fascination. Is there a connection between "Gargoyle Man" and the break-ins? I would emphatically say yes. Whether, by 'seeing' the image thrown up by my intuition I was also in a position to 'shift' the unfolding of intentions and events is another question entirely.

'Lizard Man' is a little differently configured. A new twist. Something less human and more reptilian; less amenable to reason or understanding. He was also 'inside' rather than looking at the dwelling from 'outside.'

Do I believe in magic? Magical consciousness is one thing; magical thinking is another. An image like this, however, lends itself easily to magic. So I can throw unsplit prisms of white light around our little home. I can surround the figure in fury and banish him to the eternal nether-worlds. I can write about him in my blog and so exorcise him.

Or, like Mary says, I can lay out the welcome mat and invite him in to do his lizard thing.

It would be funny if it wasn't so serious.

Perhaps I hope by writing to break any causal chain, or any link between intention and action.

Now that's magical thinking. But, hey, magical images got me here in the first place, so they gotta help me get out of a place of potential danger too. :)

Patry, moving would be the solution, and that's what we most would like to do.

Thank you Sky- bars on the windows would help, but then we'd be sentencing ourselves to suffocation if there was a fire. The motion of our dog would set off any security system. But, hey, our dog is a security system herself! She wouldn't like 'Lizard Man,' I know she wouldn't. :)

Mary, yes, responding in an opposite way to what would be expected might turn the chain of intentions and actions awry. And, anyway, doesn't gnosis only occur because of transgression?

Jean, really and truly it's getting worse. Too many images crowd in these days. If they're negative in any way, they happen; likewise if they're positive. I'm not sure what that is, but I tremble before it, and try to maintain a consciousness of love, clarity, freedom, purity. Daily struggle, of course... :) Meditation helps.

My intuitive imagination has a iconography of images that apparently correlate to oncoming events... sometime I should do a post on them. As I get older I get better at reading the signs.

How about you?


  1. I surely do have an iconography - or is it a database of psychosis? Ah, no matter. Fear can be a solid thing. Thoughts-dreams-memories can wrap themselves into physical forms just as physical things convert to dreams. I'd set Lizard Man traps, which might involve unusual bait and a great deal of sticky stuff.

  2. narrator, you know I love this, and it made me laugh very hard this morning when I read it.

  3. after all of that, and that, I'm delighted to make you laugh...

  4. Brenda, I tried to leave a message yesterday, but Blogger wouldn't take it.

    The day I miss one of your posts, Lizard Man shows up!!?? Ay! May be a spurious connection, but it is interesting that you just went through nearly divesting yourself of possessions, and then fighting to retain them.

    Regardless of meanings or a need for sticky traps, I'm thinking of you!

  5. MB, you have me laughing too! Nearly divesting and then fighting to retain. Yes. It's all part of a bundle of connections. If my other premonitions are any indication, I have a few weeks before 'Lizard Man' shows up. Sticky traps, oy!

  6. Another wrinkle is that "magic" operates differently in different contexts. My premonitions are usually Muse-driven.

    Back in '83, while I was drafting a novel (unfinished) that involved various religious figures, I had 2 related experiences. In the first, I was thinking of the number 67 while I lay half-asleep. When I was fully awake I turned on the radio. The first news story I heard was that Boston's Cardinal Madeiros had died -- at age 67. Less than 3 weeks later I dreamt a variant on the M.C. Escher woodcut Dream. In my dream I was on a rooftop holding an all-night vigil with other people, around the tomb of an unknown religious figure. On another, higher tower, was a praying mantis. When I awoke and turned on the radio, the first thing I heard was that New York's Terence Cardinal Cooke was expected to pass on and there had been an all-night vigil outside St. Patrick's Cathedral. (He had died the next day.)

    About 6 months earlier I had moved to Boston from my native New York. It seemed to me that my intense focus on the story I was writing and its religious figures had "tuned me in" to the real-world events.

    I don't recall visions that come as warnings in my case. I hope that your combination of visualization, ritual, blogging-exorcism, and other security steps will help. Have you tried addressing/questioning the vision directly?

    Wishing you safety!


Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...