Friday, January 20, 2006

On the location of.

Musica mundana, humana, practica. Conciliance, interconnectedness, unity. Gestalt. Impure purity of the mixture of everything. When the mess appears in the picture of the place, when the angry, bitter edges aren't hidden by the smooth surfaces of the portrait, where the blood courses beneath a fine veneer of skin. Get in close, see the pores, the pulse beneath the eye, the browning teeth. And let go, in that place of closeness, heart beating on heart, where it is dissembling, the sharp smell of breath on the body of desire. Ecstasy accepts where it is collapsing, what in us is repulsing, with the coming towards, where edges melt into, the disappearing. Light sweeps the universe without discriminating. The whole is greater than the parts. Even Apollo weeps. A music of the spheres, more than speculation. Quivering theoretical strings sing. Feel our bodies. We are pulses of electricity, energy, and chemical processes, an organics of living. Think of it as a masterpiece, the orgasm.


  1. Your writing takes me places I forget to go, to see things I've forgotten. Thank you.

  2. mb, thank you, and as does your poetry for me...

  3. Anonymous2:01 PM

    It is astonishing~I read this from two planes of Be-ing. The higher mind~where an act of profound artistic creation exists~and the organic mind~in perfect physical union. Two~in one~a sublime testament to the rare and gifted spirit of its' creator.

    It does quite take one's breath away, as was said above~

    Sublime Blessings~

  4. Brenda,
    This is powerful... very powerful.

  5. Thank you, Tamar...

    And Laurieglynn... in the Renaissance binary opposites were very much in ascendance, the divine and the human, the speculative and the practical, yet underneath was an idea of celestial harmony that I've drawn on in this piece in a way that I hope is pervasive and reconciles, unifies opposites, removes the heirarchies, brings democracy to the Great Chain of Being. Which is still with us in some ways. Or perhaps I'm positing embodiment, from a 21st c. vantage, into that flux of ideas. Who knows...

    ~ Artist, Rachel, thank you...


Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...