Tuesday, January 05, 2016

A photo in my upcoming videopoem, Split Mask.

A photo in my upcoming videopoem, Split Mask. This has 3-5 seconds on screen, a mere blink. The line is: "Focus
 on where
 we are falling apart."


Monday, January 04, 2016

Toronto Hydro a billing mess right now...

Toronto Hydro rates are not only beginning to skyrocket, but their billing is a total mess right now. I have only electric heat and never turn on the baseboard heaters - yeah, it's cold! I try to keep my Winter hydro rates under $1.00/day. Crazy, right? Shudder me long-johns, but I manage, somehow.

But look at these screen grabs of what's been happening in my account for the past few weeks. Toronto Hydro originally estimated their Dec charge for me would be $335,635. when in reality it is about $44. And then I got some "alerts" in my email with incorrect data and estimates. I'm keeping a close eye on it and will not be over-charged. But I want to point out that Toronto Hydro's billing right now is insane!




Sunday, January 03, 2016

Some eBooks from the library

Reading some eBooks from Toronto Public Library on my device. These books disappear after 3 weeks - you can renew for another 3 weeks if the book isn't on hold. All eBooks I've borrowed are on hold. Apparently, publishers grant the library a license that costs say $80. for 4 copies for a year, after that year the library has to renew the licence and pay all over again. Seems like a sweet deal for publishers.

Because of the way publishers charge libraries for eBooks, and the very limited number of copies of each book that there are, you can be waiting up to 6 months on hold for an eBook.

Arctic Dreams by Barry Lopez has been on my "a" list forever. It is factual, humane, and the poetry of his writing is magnificent!

Here's a sample of soil writing:

Soil, dirt. Stuff I love! The base of our organic lives and our food. "Soil is a living system, a combination of dirt (particles of sand, clay, and silt) and decaying and processed organic matter. It is created by erosion, fracture, and the secretion of organic acids; by animals and plants like beetles (saprophages) and mushrooms (saprophytes) that break down dead matter; and by the excretions of earthworms. It draws in oxygen like an animal, through myriad tunnels built by ants, rodents, and worms. And it is inhabited throughout by hundreds of creatures---nematodes, mites, springtails, and soil bacteria and fungi." Barry Lopez, Arctic Dreams (screen 85/1127 on my device).

  Cover of Arctic Dreams
Arctic Dreams by Barry Lopez

Cover of 1Q84
1Q84 by Haruki Murakami, translated by Jay Rubin

I am finding this book long, in the way that poets do. But I am amazed at how many resonances with my own life I am finding in its pages. It is well researched and well written.



Friday, January 01, 2016


Determined to draw on NYE, crazy idea, I attempted... lol! NOT a night to draw! Full of delicious food, too much wine and the warmth of great company! Sharing anyway 'cause what the heck, it's a NEW year! Bring it on, 2016!!!

WISHING ALL OF YOU LOVELIES the BEST year ahead, full of wonderful surprises, health, prosperity, accomplishment and so much love, warmth & friendship you feel every day is pure blessing.



Thursday, December 31, 2015

Woman Making Her Way

Woman Making Her Way. We'll all make our ways into the New Year!

A sketch from maybe 2014.


Old Hard Drives still work!

Because I was asked for 300dpi images in black and white, I decided to re-shoot what I had. That took awhile, and processing was forever. Then I hunted through old hard drives and actually found some images well over a decade old, all as blessed Photoshop files except for one jpeg. And those old hard drives still run, how great is that?! All in all, I think it's about 30 images, and they have taken a solid 15 hours of work. I had finished coffee by the time I began at 9am, and it is now past midnight! Dinner was some frozen and defrosted leftover turkey that wasn't very good. Lol! The book won't be out until Fall 2016, but there are deadlines... and I want to sweep the old year out with a flourish. Done, just in time for for the New Year!


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

From Colour to Black and White!


Very happy with how these images are turning out, with, of course, quite a bit of work in Photoshop. These are from two different cameras and the images were done circa 2011. From now until next year, I will be Photoshopping! Certain I will make my end-of-year deadline with my publisher. ::Sighs with relief::


Down to the Proverbial Wire

Without sun for a month, I have not been able to take the drawings for my forthcoming book of poetry with Guernica Editions outside for a proper photo shoot in real live full spectrum sunlight. Here is my alternate set-up. Hardly know what I am doing. End of year deadline. Down to the proverbial wire.



Saturday, December 26, 2015

Spam site keeps opening in Google Chrome

Probably my tenth message to Google's Help desk:

This spam site keeps opening when I open Chrome. It is not in my Preferences and I have never given it permission to invade the browser I use. I've sent a number of help messages to Google. I tried a website blocker, which, as you can see, has made the problem worse. If this keeps up, I will have to make Safari my default browser. If "devunity.org" continues to hijack my Chrome browser, I will be changing to Safari permanently. Chrome is neither private nor secure when a third party takes control of a user's opening pages.


Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Holiday - wishing you the Best of the Festive Season!

However you celebrate, together or alone, as a day of feasting or simply a holiday, enjoy!

My day is spent cooking both turkey and tofurky and multiple accompanying dishes for my extended family, and I love it.

For the first Christmas, since getting my adorable cat, Aria, in 2012, I have been able to hang ornaments. I only found one on the floor one morning - she's very good now. It was nice to get out my Balinese hand-made ornaments that I bought at a long-gone store in Toronto, Frida, one Boxing Day. It is only now that I truly appreciate their workmanship, the hands who made and painted them. Lamia is my favourite, followed by what has to be a shaman/trickster figure. They are all quite haunting in their own way.




Monday, December 21, 2015

Wishing You A Wonderful Solstice!

Sun Stands Still

Solstice, a brief moment, the earth at its outer spin. Nothing stands still in the reversal. The warmth begins its journey back while the coldest months are yet to come. The shifting rotation offers paradox while the seasons glide along, glide along.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful, generous, gift-giving Solstice and brilliant New Year filled with love, health, success, warmth and enjoyment.

In the spirit of the rebirth of the sun:
light your sabre!

Photo from Split Mask, a videopoem I am again working on.


Woman with Flowers 7.1

(7th sketch in series, first iteration of this one) Woman with Flowers  Flowers, props  upholding the woman. The flowers, fragrant, imaginar...