Showing posts with label erotic art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label erotic art. Show all posts

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pride at The Keyhole Sessions

The Keystone Sessions in Toronto offers an erotic theatre for artists. The models and poses for the life drawing sessions are presented as a theatre, and are the result of a carefully planned and staged 'still pose' performances. It is held monthly in a bar. The music is amazing. The models are gorgeous. The bonds are beautifully knotted. Everything is composed, from the outfits to the poses to the lighting itself. While the sexuality expressed is not mine, I certainly appreciate drawing such interesting and beautiful women holding graceful and erotic moments in stillness.

From the Madame: "The Keyhole Sessions: the raciest arts community you'll ever experience."
The Keyhole Sessions are life-drawing with edge. With a hunger for the erotic, our community of artists gather for a few hours of debaucherous drawing on the second Tuesday of every month.

Hosted by The Madame, TKS is not for the faint of heart: our models come with attitude. Trussed up in rope and restraints, they’re here to have as much fun as the artists.

Most sessions will see our models exquisitely wrapped in shibari-inspired rope bondage. Keyhole Sessions Head Rigger, JP Robichaud, displays his talents by binding our models in sensual rope to add that extra flair to your drawings. For those unfamiliar with this art, look it up and then come to our class to witness this beautiful craft up close.

Divided into 3 Acts, you’ll see multiple models in varying degrees of undress and restraints, all to a soundtrack of some pretty sweet beats.
There are chairs for 60, and the women-only models obviously appeal to men, who are the majority, and I am happy to report that there was a good sprinkling of women artists too. :)

Currently the Keyhole Sessions is doing the 7 Deadly Sins, and May 8th's was Pride.

Because the streetcar was early, and I missed it, I got there a little later than planned. My seat was not very good and I only had a slit through which to view the models. Some of their limbs are made up, or I twisted this way and that to try to see the pose in its totality. They start out with one model and 3 minute poses - a lovely lady who is 6 months pregnant, then move onto two models with longer poses, and finish the evening with a 45 minute three model configuration. Always I am compelled to work on my drawings at home, strengthening the lines and usually adding colour.

Bloom at The Keyhole, 2012, 6" x 15", charcoal, India and acrylic inks on 90lb archival paper.

Harvest Moon, 2012, 17" x 14", mixed media on 90lb archival paper. I drew two poses of the same model on the same page, and she is holding a mirror in which she is reflected. Gazing upon the self. Selves who witness each other. The multiplicity of the self. I've called it Harvest Moon to celebrate the model's pregnancy of 6 months.

Women Through the Keyhole, 2012, 20" x 13", charcoal on 90lb archival paper, a digital effect applied.

Women Through the Keyhole - with Orchids, 2012, 24" x 18", charcoal on 90lb archival paper. I snapped this on my dining room table, not great lighting, but the orchids are sweet.

The Bonds are Unseen, 2012, 14" x 18", charcoal, colour pencils, ink on 90lb archival paper.

A slideshow of all of my Keyhole Sessions drawings so far.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sloth at the Keyhole

From the Madame: "The Keyhole Sessions: the raciest arts community you'll ever experience."
The Keyhole Sessions are life-drawing with edge. With a hunger for the erotic, our community of artists gather for a few hours of debaucherous drawing on the second Tuesday of every month.

Hosted by The Madame, TKS is not for the faint of heart: our models come with attitude. Trussed up in rope and restraints, they’re here to have as much fun as the artists.

Most sessions will see our models exquisitely wrapped in shibari-inspired rope bondage. Keyhole Sessions Head Rigger, JP Robichaud, displays his talents by binding our models in sensual rope to add that extra flair to your drawings. For those unfamiliar with this art, look it up and then come to our class to witness this beautiful craft up close.

Divided into 3 Acts, you’ll see multiple models in varying degrees of undress and restraints, all to a soundtrack of some pretty sweet beats.
There are chairs for 60, and the women-only models obviously appeal to men, who are the majority, and, though I was quite scared to go, I am happy to report that there was a good sprinkling of women artists too. :)

These drawings and paintings were done at the Keyhole last night. It may be a raunchy life-drawing venue, but those beautiful women and erotic poses are a lot of work to draw! As art, I'm thinking of Toulous-Lautrec. The lifestyle alluded to in the props and poses is a bit out of my range - I've never had a Mowhawk or ever tried a hookah or been tied up, and aren't thinking to either. :))) I am drawn to the exploration of the body through unique poses and models. I had to explain to my 25 year old son where I was going to draw and what I'd likely come back with, and not to worry about what might appear on the walls of my apartment! I wasn't... falling into Sloth (they're doing the 7 Deadlies, and last night was sloth).

It was a huge amount of work drawing the models last night - they start out with one model and 3 minute poses, then move onto two models with longer poses, and finish the evening with a 45 minute three model configuration. I like how my little series began, but trying to finish them so I can get back to what I was working on before the session has been exhausting, along with quite a bit of stress in my life, and perhaps it shows in the final painting, which I feel is the most worked and the least successful. Or is it my tired eyes?

Three, On The Edge, 2012, 20" x 16", mixed media, 90lb archival paper.

And Then, 2012, 20" x 16", mixed media, 90lb archival paper.

Better Left Unsaid, 2012, graphite on 90lb archival paper, image digitally finished.

This sketch is on the back of Three, On The Edge and which is now hanging on the wall. Better Left Unsaid is in light pencil, and I coloured it digitally.

Shadow, 2012, 20" x 16", mixed media, 90lb archival paper. (This is the dusting of charcoal on the back of the sheet facing the first drawing. It is the shadow of the figure on the right, and I quite like it.)

Take It Easy, 2012, 20" x 16", mixed media, 90lb archival paper.

Women Models, sketch, 2012, 14" x 14", graphite, 90lb archival paper.

A Tangle, sketch, 2012, 17.5" x 15.5", mixed media, 90lb archival paper.

A Tangle, 2012, 17.5" x 15.5", mixed media, 90lb archival paper.

Drawing at the Keyhole in April 2012. 
Photo by Susie Caboose. (I was working on And Then.)

Is there still a blogging community?

It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...