(If you go the Poetry Salons album at Picasa, all the names are listed.)

A single video of the Poetry Salon, but you can see below the times each of the readers and musicians begin.
direct link: http://youtu.be/bvB0XMFmGS0
0:32 Stedmond Pardy
23:44 Vladimir Azarov
34:41 Kevin Fortnum
49:57 Alana P. Cook
51:33 Norman Bethune Allan
56:17 Amoeba Starfish, Phil Ogison - Guitars, Synths; Jeff Howard - E-Drums, WaveDrum, percussion/voice synths
STEDMOND PARDY’S first chapbook, "Drugs,” was self-published in 2013, and his next volume "Beached Whales" will be published in late Spring. He has had two one man Shows held at Reg Hartt’s, "The Cineforum,” appeared on Howl 89.5 FM twice, and has read his work at various venues around the city since he started writing 8 years ago. He was born and raised in the Mimico/Lakeshore area. The quotes, "an Artist is an Instrument through which the Universe reveals itself" and "word poetry is for everyman, but Soul poetry, alas, is not heavily Distributed" are the words he lives by.
KEVIN FORTNUM is a nightmare dressed like a daydream who wishes he could be like the cool kids.
He only came here to say, 'hello'. When this show is over, he will drive his car into a bridge.
AMOEBA STARFISH’s bio is bio-degradable. Phil and Jeff met in 1988, began collaborating on various experimental, sometimes controversial, multimedia projects thinly veiled as "bands," They created Amoeba Starfish in 2009 to simply return to the ideals of "play." Quantum Jazz is about being sincere and having fun without fear, limitation and expectation.
Videoed and edited by Brenda Clews
With thanks to Jeff Howard of Amoeba Starfish for recording the sound
Doing a single, if long, video decreases my time working on the footage from 3 days to 1 day. I video primarily to document my Salons, but understand that people like to see themselves on video, and so I do edit them to try to enhance what is a difficult subject to watch - poets standing reading their work with a camera videoing on a tripod. With this video I think I have, at least with titles, begun to create my own 'look' with the clips of these Poetry Salons and so that's kind of nice. Because all of the Features are tremendously creative people who like to experiment and push boundaries of what poetry is, what music is, I felt adding a bit more of a look to the video worked. I hope you enjoy the video of the Salon as much as I did hosting it!