Showing posts with label Polina Seminova. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polina Seminova. Show all posts

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Enjoy the Joy

I've had one of those frustratingly 'tired' days where you can't get your mojo moving... and silly things run through my mind, like "Enjoy the Joy." Or jewels in carved Bavarian gold. Or ragged veins of brown leaves in the streets that you'd never know once ran green with the mysterious process of chlorophyll and sun. Speaking of which, it was unseasonably warm today and I did spend a good hour walking in shirt-sleeves with my dog, soaking in the disappearing sun. And while I ate easy things today, cheese, fruit, beef samosas that I only had to heat up, multi-grain salad, and then filled myself with a large bowl of fresh buttered popcorn, I had no energy to cook. I had such a list of things to do today, and not one single item accomplished.

Tomorrow, then, vacuum the apartment; take apart a bookcase and pull everything out of the front closet and get rid of stuff, but keep the Ikat curtains, wrap them carefully for storage. Put felt and try the appliance wheels on the bookcase - it sits in mostly front of the closet and while I had thought the back end could just be storage I've discovered things are really lost back there, so I need to make the bookcase slidable. Then refill the bookcase with its books. Do the drawing for 'Women in Autumn,' finish a series! C'mon. And work on that 'Celestial Dancer' painting that my daughter wants to be a little more 'realistic' than I usually do simply because I can, or so she said. Plus do a bit of grocery shopping, and cook. And don't forget to walk the dog.

No wonder I had no energy today! That was my list for today, and not one thing accomplished.

My contract position ended a few weeks ago. I'm looking for what's next work-wise, though I have a lot to do here, too.

A wash of a day.

Good thing it was Sunday, a quiet day anyhow.

Do you have days like this too?

Meanwhile, I found this, and then spent an hour searching for any other videos of Polina Seminova, which were good, and researching her, and coming back to this brilliant video of her dancing, watching it a few times:

Wow. Grace, artistry, sheer athletic performance. Polina Seminova's centre of gravity isn't like anyone else's. An extraordinary dancer. Enjoy this Joy.

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Is there still a blogging community?

It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...