Showing posts with label Pablo Neruda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pablo Neruda. Show all posts

Monday, March 21, 2011

Videopoem: a Neruda love sonnet with footage from an African jungle

One Hundred Love Sonnets IX was written in 1958 by Pablo Neruda.

Besides loving Neruda's famous sonnet, I went into hyper-heaven with the footage. I've never seen anything that's 'exactly' like my childhood in Kafue National Park in Zambia until this video. This footage was daily life, exactly like that. I'm spinning with joy, this is it. Takes me back, oh so far back, to my beloved jungle, and beloved wild animals, giraffes, zebras, buck, hyenas, and the lions, my friends the lions...


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Thursday, August 19, 2010

What Is Underground Is What Holds Us


You rise out of flat stone
the shield
of your heart.
The moon crosses the sun.
Do we
become light
when we dream?

The folds of your corduroy
like ridges and hollows
furrows where the Spring runoff
sculpts a geology
in a landscape of tundra.
"passageways and connections that
happen deep within us when in relation
to another..." Nancy Otto
In our Klondike, cross and beams
hold the tunnels we dig through
to find the gold in each other,
rich veins tracing through the rock
like sunlight.


Spring is a tendril
of green;
the leaves a papery mass of veins unfolding.

Cliffs of grass by the old mine ripple
in the wind.

We are like those two trees
ancient, weathered, yet
our roots thoroughly

What is
is what holds us.

The deeper passageways
and connections.


I wear the crescent moon in my hair,
the cold northern air;
you are the sun buried in the land,
illumined from within.

The sharp edges
in each moment
bind us.

My Adoni, my Aholi,

even in this harsh typography
you are a landscape of love,
a cartography of desire.

©Brenda Clews 2006


Photographs were taken by me.

Poem and commentary written in April, 2006:

The title that I had thought of is a line from a poem by Hafiz, the 14th c Sufi master:
Our Destiny Is To Turn Into Light.

Here's the poem:

Faithful Lover

The moon came to me last night
With a sweet question.

She said,

"The sun has been my faithful lover
For millions of years.

Whenever I offer my body to him
Brilliant light pours from his heart.

Thousands then notice my happiness
And delight in pointing
Towards my beauty.

Is it true that our destiny
Is to turn into Light

Hafiz, The Gift, trans. Daniel Ladinsky (Toronto: Penguin, 1999), p.159.

While my poem is about light, it's really about roots, and works off Nancy Otto's lines (she's an artist who creates small, stunning glass sculptures where she explores our inner consciousnesses, our inner lives, the deep channels and underground ways that we connect).

Adoni and Aholi are both gods of nature: one ancient Phoenician; the other, ruler of the Pikya clan of Native Americans. Nature is usually imaged as a woman, but sometimes as a man - the dying & resurrected god.

Also I'm currently not just crazy about Hafiz, but also Pablo Neruda, his love poems, and Juan O'Neill's translation of Macchu Picchu.

Is there still a blogging community?

It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...