Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Mini Review of Lisa de Nikolits', No Fury Like That

No Fury Like ThatNo Fury Like That by Lisa de Nikolits
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lisa de Nikolits novel, No Fury Like That (Inanna Publications, 2017), is an imaginative, witty, humorous romp through Purgatory, endings of lives, discoveries and recollections in the near afterlife, a redemption novel where vengeance is the redeemer. Other reviewers give synopsis' of the plot, so I won't, but I am intrigued by the architectonics of the structure she creates for her Purgatory, a 3-dimensional maze, a cubist emporium where rooms appear and disappear according to 4-hour windows, and the Viewing Room where virtual reality comes to life. There is a coffee klatch mostly of women trapped in Purgatory not quite sure of how to achieve realizations to get privileges and perhaps promoted to Heaven. There is an entangled mess of relationships on earth that those in Purgatory must work their way through. The number of characters de Nikolits creates and maintains consistency with throughout the story is quite a technical feat in itself. No Fury Like That is a bustling, busy novel that spins and grabs you in all your corners and assumptions as it focuses on the corporate life vs the family life, success in the business world vs loving relationships. The main character, Julia, gets to have her cake and eat it too - she gets a second chance to make pay backs and revitalize her life, to balance it, to find love and family and happiness as well as a solid career. This is not to say that the novel isn't a passionate explosion of pain and anger and vengeance - it moves from a kind of 'Orange is the New Black' to 'Kill Bill' in a dizzying kaleidoscope of different kinds of violence, sharings, realizations and furies. Julia responds to the brutality that she suffered with a brutality that is as fierce and takes no reprieve. And then she shifts her life. I would say that No Fury Like That is about a new era where power relations between the sexes can become more balanced, where success in the world and fulfillment of the heart are eminently possible in a way that is brand new in our world.

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