Sunday, October 29, 2017

A Gif of Smatterings of Galleries at My Website

Please, no intention to drive you mad with repetitive strain images! But here's a gif for my painting page at my website (which is done, except for all the captions/labels). It's a smattering of an image from different galleries. They are slooow gifs! How much can the eye take in when there are three gifs giffying together? Also, this gif has a white background to go with G+'s page colour; on my website, it's black.

A gif of my book covers

It'll drive you mad, so don't look too long, but here is a GIF that I made for my website of my three books, a chapbook, the luminist poems (LyricalMyrical 2013), a book of poetry, Tidal Fury (Guernica Editions, 2016) and forthcoming, a novella, Fugue in Green (Quattro Books, 2017/8). I refuse to tell you that this little .gif took me most of the day to figure out (hint: after many fruitless attempts, I finally made it as a movie in Final Cut Pro and then used a gif-maker to flash the magic, over and over and over). Every cover seems to be my own art. Hmnn....


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Day 6/7 Black and White Photography Challenge (No Humans, No Explanations). )

Day 6/7. Black and White Photography Challenge (No Humans, No Explanations). #blackandwhitephotography (not tagging anyone, but please do the challenge if you are inspired)

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Day 6/7. Black and White Photography Challenge

Day 6/7. Black and White Photography Challenge (No Humans, No Explanations). #blackandwhitephotography (not tagging anyone, but please do the challenge if you are inspired)

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Day 5/7 Black and White Photography Challenge

Day 5/7. Black and White Photography Challenge (No Humans, No Explanations). #blackandwhitephotography (not tagging anyone, but please do the challenge if you are inspired)

Monday, October 23, 2017

Day 4/7 Black and White Photography Challenge

Day 4/7. Black and White Photography Challenge (No Humans, No Explanations). #blackandwhitephotography (please do the challenge if you are inspired)


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Day 2/7 Black and White Photography Challenge

Day 2/7. Black and White Photography Challenge (No Humans, No Explanations). #blackandwhitephotography (please do the challenge if you are inspired)


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Day 2/7 Black and White Photography Challenge

Day 2/7. Black and White Photography Challenge (No Humans, No Explanations). #blackandwhitephotography

Friday, October 20, 2017

Day 1/7 Black & White Photography Challenge

7-Day Black and White Photography Challenge (No Humans, No Explanations). #blackandwhitephotography


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Drawings in Prep for my next set of Portrait Paintings

October 19, 2017

Swirls of grief continue, sometimes an undertow, other times gliding on the surface. Managed to get into a sketch today. This took as long as 3-4 tracks from Wardruna's album, Runaljod - Ragnarok, maybe MannaR: Liv to Odal. Darkened it a bit -just blocking in at this stage, the details that make an individual an individual not creased in.

September 30, 2017

Not sure when I did this sketch earlier this summer and... I can't finish it. Since my brother passed away, I've been in such a tailspin, trying to crawl out, get back to various projects...

Luciano Iacobelli, I probably posted this already.

All these sketches are preparation for my next group of portrait paintings - though the paintings won't be the same as the sketches.


Is there still a blogging community?

It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...