Thursday, December 08, 2016

Video of the Guernica Book Launch, December 2016

How often do you launch your first book of poetry? I wanted video even if I didn't show anyone. So I decided to video the launch so everyone is featured. While I will post my portion soon, here is the entire launch. Clarke Blaise and George Elliott Clarke are big names in Canadian literature. My friend, Luciano Iacobelli is also, to me, a prominent literary figure in Toronto. But everyone was fabulous! It was a superb afternoon

direct link: A Guernica Book Launch, December 2016

The Guernica Editions December 2016 book launch was a terrific afternoon of terrific writing! The afternoon of readings in order of appearance:

Maniac Drifter by Laura Marello 2:04
introduced by Alex Dunn

Mankind and Other Stories of Women by Marianne Ackerman 8:12
presented by John Goddard, introduced by Anna Geisler

Clark Blaise: Essays on His Works and Clark Blaise: The Interviews, ed. J.R. (Tim) Struthers
presented by J.R. (Tim) Struthers 16:08, Ron Shuebrook 30:48
and Clark Blaise 34:15, introduced by Anna Geisler

The Examined Life by Luciano Iacobelli 46:05
reading in tandem with Jens Kohler 
introduced by Michael Mirolla

Max's Folly by Bill Turpin 1:02:58
introduced by Michael Mirolla

Tidal Fury by Brenda Clews 1:24:11 
Guernica video trailer by Gabriel Quigley
introduced by Karen Shenfeld

Canticles I (MMXVI) 
by George Elliott Clarke 1:38:50
introduced by Anna Geisler

The Guernica Editions December 2016 book launch took place at the Supermarket Restaurant and Bar in Kensington Market in Toronto, Canada
Publisher, Michael Mirolla
Publicist, Anna Geisler

videoed and edited 
by Brenda Clews

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