Friday, February 05, 2016

January 2016 Poetry and Music Salon

We had a beautiful late afternoon/early evening Poetry and Music Soirée at Markham House - wow, I was blissed out for days. Many thanks to our features, Sharon Goodier and Norman Allan and our guest musicians, Amoeba Starfish (Jeff Howard & Phil Ogison Aegidiussen)! And to everyone who stepped up to Open Mic and shared: Alexi, Optimus, Stedmond Pardy, Andraya Ciel Smith, Sean Mc Dermott and Jim Hamilton. We had a full house. I keep thinking, these salons can't get any more wonderful, and then they do. Thank you to all those who read/performed and to our fantastic audience. And to the generosity of Markham House. Love you all! xoBrenda

Please go to the album on Picasa for the names and dates of everyone who has appeared in this series.


I had considered stopping showing the Salon videos. While I like an archive, it takes too long to edit them and there are not many view counts. I think of them more as a teaching tool, but then I discovered that most of the poets and musicians in them won't watch themselves. So why do it? Because I have the footage? Not a good reason, really. So I decided if I could download the clips and fully edit the video -I let the camera run uninterrupted through the entire Salon and splice out the in betweens and the break later; I add effects that have seemed to make the videos more palatable to those in them (we all have a horror of ourselves in video, we do); and I do a stop motion of the entire salon and paste titles over it and some kind of ending (this one has all the photos at the end) - if I could all that in 3 hours or less, I would upload and publish to YouTube. Well, yes, I came in under 3 hours.

So here is a video of the entire salon, and it is in 4K, which, lemme tell ya, was a feat of rendering and saving out to an useable file (18 hrs), uploading (12 hrs) and waiting for YouTube to process it to the highest resolution - the latter taking most of the week, in fact. :)

direct link: January 2016 Poetry and Music Salon

In order of appearance, and if you go to YouTube and click on the time next to the person's name, the video should start at their reading or performance.

1. Alexi 1:09
2. Optimus Rhyme 14:34
3. Stedmond Pardy 26:26
4. Andraya Ciel Smith 31:20
5. Sharon Goodier (feature) 39:26
6. Sean McDermott 1:00:15
7. Brenda Clews 1:07:00
8. Tom Gannon Hamilton 1:10:48
9. Norman Allan (feature) 1:20:46
10. Amoeba Starfish (guest spot), Jeff Howard and Phil Ogison Aegidiussen, with Tim Hamilton joining in to jam on his violin. 1:48:03

Facebook Group Page:
This Salon at Markham House:
Organized, hosted, photographed, videoed and video edited by Brenda Clews:

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