Saturday, December 31, 2016
Dahlings! Happy New Year!
Dahlings! Wishing you an extraordinary 2017 in all ways, creative, spiritual, financial and in your relationships. Overcome oppressions with true tidal fury!
(costume I patched together to perform Tidal Fury, a book about overcoming oppression)
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Wishing you the best of the Festive Season
Friday, December 23, 2016
Kitty is Improving
Some tentative good news - my kitty, Aria, is lightly using her paw again when she walks. Not every time, but definitely last night and this morning a little bit. Which implies that it was a bad sprain (the vet's original diagnosis when I took her in a week before the appointment where he took x-rays). I've seen no sign of an embolism - both eyes blink fine, breath out of both nostrils, both sides are fully sensitive and getting stroked on either side elicits loud purring, just a sore paw that seems to be getting better. She sleeps, she eats, she's playful, she's demanding, she sweet, she's fully herself. It's been 2½ weeks since I first noticed a limp. She still scoots around on three legs, but there is slight improvement (it's that right front leg in the photo) and, hopefully, she is healing.
I am quite happy indeed. The vet may have been right in his diagnosis on our first appointment.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Wishing You a Brilliant Solstice
Happy Solstice! When the sun is furthest, the night darkest, the return begins. Immanence, beginnings. Yeah, and also, be the shining light you are.
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Simple sketch of Aria
I thought my pussy cat had broken her leg, but it turns out there is no fracture and it may have been an embolism. She's only 4 years old. Here's a simple little sketch because I would like to paint her. No idea what the final prognosis will be, or what's coming. She is the sweetest little companion ever.
(Different crops suggested by PS of the same little simple sketch - she didn't sit in that position for long enough! Sort of drew everything while she was sitting near me by calling her and then she'd look up and I'd draw, except for the ears, and the whiskers, she was gone by then and they are mostly guesses...)
Here is a little watercolour painting of her where I did not particularly try to get a good likeness.
I'll post some photos when I have some new ones. Rather heartbreaking to see her scampering about on three legs and always holding one paw in the air, and I have no idea how I will afford the vet care.
Friday, December 09, 2016
Video of 'Tidal Fury' @ Guernica Launch!
| Guernica Editions | | | Amazon.UK | Indigo Books | Goodreads |
direct link: Tidal Fury Guernica Launch 2016
Here is a video of my set for my book, Tidal Fury, at the Guernica Editions launch Dec 4th. The talented and lovely Karen Shenfeld introduced me and she said such nice things I was blushing. The MC was Anna Geisler, gorgeous hard-working lady. The Publisher, Michael Mirolla, is a literary force in his own right and has brought much fine writing to public attention with an substantial yearly publishing schedule. I am honoured and fortunate to be a Guernica author. Many thanks to all!

'Tidal Fury' by Brenda Clews
Introduced by Karen Shenfeld
MC Anna Geisler
Guernica video trailer in the background
by Gabriel Quigley
at the Guernica Editions book launch
December 4, 2016
Supermarket Restaurant & Bar
in Kensington Market, Toronto, Canada
Michael Mirolla, Publisher
Tidal Fury is available from all major booksellers:
| Guernica Editions | | | Amazon.UK | Indigo Books | Goodreads |
ocean waves
videoed & edited
by Brenda Clews
direct link: Tidal Fury Guernica Launch 2016
Here is a video of my set for my book, Tidal Fury, at the Guernica Editions launch Dec 4th. The talented and lovely Karen Shenfeld introduced me and she said such nice things I was blushing. The MC was Anna Geisler, gorgeous hard-working lady. The Publisher, Michael Mirolla, is a literary force in his own right and has brought much fine writing to public attention with an substantial yearly publishing schedule. I am honoured and fortunate to be a Guernica author. Many thanks to all!

'Tidal Fury' by Brenda Clews
Introduced by Karen Shenfeld
MC Anna Geisler
Guernica video trailer in the background
by Gabriel Quigley
at the Guernica Editions book launch
December 4, 2016
Supermarket Restaurant & Bar
in Kensington Market, Toronto, Canada
Michael Mirolla, Publisher
Tidal Fury is available from all major booksellers:
| Guernica Editions | | | Amazon.UK | Indigo Books | Goodreads |
ocean waves
videoed & edited
by Brenda Clews
Thursday, December 08, 2016
Video of the Guernica Book Launch, December 2016
How often do you launch your first book of poetry? I wanted video even if I didn't show anyone. So I decided to video the launch so everyone is featured. While I will post my portion soon, here is the entire launch. Clarke Blaise and George Elliott Clarke are big names in Canadian literature. My friend, Luciano Iacobelli is also, to me, a prominent literary figure in Toronto. But everyone was fabulous! It was a superb afternoon
direct link: A Guernica Book Launch, December 2016
The Guernica Editions December 2016 book launch was a terrific afternoon of terrific writing! The afternoon of readings in order of appearance:
Maniac Drifter by Laura Marello 2:04
direct link: A Guernica Book Launch, December 2016
The Guernica Editions December 2016 book launch was a terrific afternoon of terrific writing! The afternoon of readings in order of appearance:
Maniac Drifter by Laura Marello 2:04
introduced by Alex Dunn
Mankind and Other Stories of Women by Marianne Ackerman 8:12
presented by John Goddard, introduced by Anna Geisler
Clark Blaise: Essays on His Works and Clark Blaise: The Interviews, ed. J.R. (Tim) Struthers
presented by J.R. (Tim) Struthers 16:08, Ron Shuebrook 30:48
and Clark Blaise 34:15, introduced by Anna Geisler
The Examined Life by Luciano Iacobelli 46:05
reading in tandem with Jens Kohler
introduced by Michael Mirolla
Max's Folly by Bill Turpin 1:02:58
introduced by Michael Mirolla
Tidal Fury by Brenda Clews 1:24:11
Guernica video trailer by Gabriel Quigley
introduced by Karen Shenfeld
Canticles I (MMXVI)
by George Elliott Clarke 1:38:50
introduced by Anna Geisler
The Guernica Editions December 2016 book launch took place at the Supermarket Restaurant and Bar in Kensington Market in Toronto, Canada
Publisher, Michael Mirolla
Publicist, Anna Geisler
videoed and edited
by Brenda Clews
Thursday, December 01, 2016
'Tidal Fury' Publisher Launch this Sunday!
Dear friends and poetry lovers,
I would be delighted and very happy if you are in Toronto and came out to celebrate this wonderful launch with me on Sunday afternoon in Kensington Market.
The Guernica Editions launch for my book of poetry, Tidal Fury, is this Sunday, December 4, 2016, at the Supermarket Restaurant and Bar, 268 Augusta Avenue, in Kensington Market, from 3:30pm-6pm. Light refreshments are served.
You can see from the flyer that I am launching with some amazing poets and writers. Coming out to the launch will be well worth it. Plus the festive season upon us and there is a slew of great books to consider giving to yourself, family and/or friends!
If you are free on Sunday afternoon, and I hope you are, come and enjoy an afternoon of lovely writing from many authors and help me launch my book with style,
Hope you are all keeping well,
much love,
Here is a list of the reviews of Tidal Fury so far, including a link to the wonderful video book trailer Gabriel Quigley did for Guernica Editions.
- Guernica Editions video book trailer, Tidal Fury, on YouTube
- Cate McKim reviews Tidal Fury: 'Words of passion and fury in Brenda Clews’ erotic, mythological Tidal Fury'
- Brenda Clews Interview on Howl CIUT 89.5FM with Nancy Bullis November 2016
- Chappy Hour: Tidal Fury + Sea Cube
- KJ Mullins, 'Review: Tidal Fury by Brenda Clews'
Direct Link: Tidal Fury Video Book Trailer
From the back cover:
She rose,
a soot-blackened woman,
from the fine layers of silted taupe ash,
with scorched feet,
able to see in all directions.
Tidal Fury intermeshes styles in narratorial strands. A love story -- he was “a literary device, and then I discovered we knew each other intimately.” An aged narcissist who wields power and invokes a subtext on the social politics of power. A poet whose muse is Medusa. Tidal Fury is a poetry on the edge of the text of an interior ocean of fury and passion. The collection includes artwork from the poet.
"Tidal Fury is a richly layered, challenging collection by a multi-talented woman. Each line of Tidal Fury shuttles and re-strands a woman immersed in art, culture, mythology who braids and beads words and images in a complex, often erotically-charged conversation with various characters and with the reader, whom she meets “at the edge of the text.” John Oughton, author of Time Slip and Death by Triangulation
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Interview with Nancy Bullis on CIUT FM89.5 on Tidal Fury
My interview with the wonderful Nancy Bullis last week on HOWL on CIUT FM 89.5 is now on SoundCloud. We had an interesting conversation. I read a few poems. Thank you to the whole team at HOWL.
Direct Link: Nancy Bullis interviews Brenda Clews on Tidal Fury
Monday, November 28, 2016
Three Close-up Portraits of Women, from left to right, Bänoo Zan, Isabel Fryszberg and a Self-Portrait
These photos were all taken at different times, when each painting was finished, and they have not been protected with a varnish yet, after which I will photograph all three together and the colours will better reflect each other. Three Close-up Portraits of Women, from left to right, Bänoo Zan, Isabel Fryszberg, and a Self-Portrait ©Brenda Clews 2016, each painting is 16"x20"x1.5", oil on canvas.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
On the Radio tonight to chat about Tidal Fury
Tonight I will be on the radio chatting with Nancy Bullis on "Tidal Fury" between 10-11PM EST. Catch the show if you can. She's an interviewer who reads the books of the authors she is interviewing and the conversations have depth. I love the lady. And so honoured she is interviewing me on HOWL! The book was published by Guernica Editions this year.
And a shout out to HOWL! Valentino Assenza, the other great host at HOWL, alternates weeks with Nancy - and being interviewed by him is an equal honour. Nik Beat, who sadly passed away in 2014, hosted the show for almost 20 years, and he is deep in my heart, as he is for many, many of us.
'Tidal Fury' is available from the publisher, Guernica Editions:
Indigo Books:
And a shout out to HOWL! Valentino Assenza, the other great host at HOWL, alternates weeks with Nancy - and being interviewed by him is an equal honour. Nik Beat, who sadly passed away in 2014, hosted the show for almost 20 years, and he is deep in my heart, as he is for many, many of us.
'Tidal Fury' is available from the publisher, Guernica Editions:
Indigo Books:
Friday, October 21, 2016
Thoughts on Hilary after the last US Presidential Debate
All along I have thought Hilary was the best over-qualified woman for the job of US President. She has tremendous experience spanning decades in Congress, the White House, as Secretary of State. And her focus is on, has always been on, children and families, the heart of any country, and the rights of all those who struggle under a white power regime, women, Black Americans, vets, those in the LGBTQI communities, immigrants, migrants, etc. Even her stance on trade comes from a global perspective that few would find easy to match. Her strength in the storm of invective and hate she has been subjected to during the elections has been impressive. I knew she was smart, but after the last debate with Trump, the woman is brilliant. What an incredible mind she has, sharp, witty, and an intelligence tempered with compassion that is impressive. In the debate, she took on the Donald with panache, even adapted his style of debate and shot back at him on his own turf. While I love our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and feel confident he has the good of Canada at heart, I would be proud to have Hilary as leader of my country if the US destroys itself with the wealthy but crude, womanizing, power-hungry, war-mongering, self-aggrandizing Donald of limited political and global vision.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
September 2016 Poetry & Music Salon @ Palmerston Library Theatre
Our Poetry & Music Salon on Saturday afternoon on September 24, 2016, was beautiful! Everyone, to my ear and mind, was profound, enjoyable, entertaining, soulful, and simply generally wonderful. Many thanks to our features, Michael Mirolla, Linda Stitt, Karen Lee, and Kirk E. Felix and his musical gang, Kevin Jeffrey, Sean Peever and Darlene Sacks. And thanks to former features and their continuing support for this series and who I gave 5 min spots to, Jim McCuaig, Jennifer Hosein, Karen Shenfeld and Sharon Goodier (lovely to catch up on their current poems). And, of course, our terrific open mic readers, Daniela Oana and Jovan Vuksanovich - you were amazing and will both be featured in the future. With much gratitude to Iana Georgieva, the librarian at Palmerson Library who has facilitated this event, Eric the brilliant sound man and to the Toronto Public Library system for promoting writers and readers!
Here are photos, to see everyone's names, please go to the Poetry and Music Salon photo album on G+.

If you'd like to see it again, or missed it, here it is! The full June 2016 Salon - a GORGEOUS Salon! We live in a city of talent!
direct link: September 2016 Poetry and Music Salon
In order of appearance:
1. Jim McCuaig 1:42
2. Jennifer Hosein 6:38
3. Daniela Oana 11:23
4. Jovan Vuksanovich 15:28
5. Brenda Clews 20:13
6. Karen Shenfeld 25:41
7. Sharon Goodier 29:52
8. Karen Lee (feature) 36:42
9. Linda Stitt (feature) 56:58
10. Michael Mirolla (feature) 1:12:45
11. Kirk Felix (feature), accompanied by Kevin Jeffrey, Sean Peever and Darlene Sacks 1:27:34
NEW YouTube channel: (with everything in the old one added but of course not all the view counts)
Old YouTube channel:
Bios of the Features:
LINDA STITT’S mother read poetry to her in the womb and she emerged crying in iambic pentameter.
For eighty-four years, we haven’t been able to shut her up.
The author of a clutch of novels, plays, and short story and poetry collections, MICHAEL MIROLLA describes his writing as a mix of magic realism, surrealism, speculative fiction and meta-fiction. Publications include the novel Berlin (a 2010 Bressani Prize winner); The Facility, which features among other things a string of cloned Mussolinis; and The Giulio Metaphysics III, a novel/linked short story collection wherein a character named “Giulio” battles for freedom from his own creator. Other publications include the short story collection The Formal Logic of Emotion; a punk novella, The Ballad of Martin B.; and two collections of poetry: Light and Time, and The House on 14th Avenue (2014 Bressani Prize). His short story collection, Lessons in Relationship Dyads, from Red Hen Press in California, came out in 2015, while the novel Torp: The Landlord, The Husband, The Wife and The Lover, set in 1970 Vancouver, was published in the Spring of 2016 with Linda Leith Publishing out of Montreal. The short story, “A Theory of Discontinuous Existence,” was selected for The Journey Prize Anthology, featuring the best short stories in Canadian journals for that year; and “The Sand Flea” was a U.S. Pushcart Prize nominee. Born in Italy and raised in Montreal, Michael now makes his home in the Greater Toronto Area. For more information,
KAREN LEE: poet / vocalist / actor / voiceover artist
“I love sound. I specialize in voice. I articulate creative vision.”
Karen Lee is most captivated by Voice. Sound. Beat.
Art speaks freedom, bondage, fear, truth and the struggle for truth.
Her voice beats raw and bold in its telling.
Classically trained, soulful soprano, she vibrates a rich lower register. Collective credits span live, solo, session, choral, wedding, theatre, lm, TV, radio, commercials, new media.
Karen Lee’s Rewind My Selecta and Naked are published in Black Girl Talk (Sister Vision Press), 1995.
KIRK FELIX is a Richmond Hill-based singer/songwriter who considers himself an “Old Folkie.” He believes that a “good song” is one that has a catchy tune and sends a message many can relate to. He has always loved Folk Music. He’s performed at coffee houses throughout the US, Europe and the Far East in the early 70's. He opened for John Denver in 1972. He performed at Winterfolk 2016 as part of “The Best of Dr. B’s Acoustic Medicine Show and in April as part of the “The Out of Towners” show at the Free Times Café on College St. This is a monthly event that is sponsored by the Best of Dr. B’s Acoustic Medicine show. Kirk appears regularly at many Open Mics in the GTA and York Region. He along with Tom Hamilton recently appeared on Rogers Daytime, in the York Region in May. He recently appeared was on the Diva and Don Early Morning Show on Whistle Radio CIWS 102.9 FM. Kirk recently appeared at the Words and Music Salon hosted by Linda Stitt at Vino Rosso`s on Bay Street and at the Plein Air Garden Concert Series in August Kirk released his only LP -“For My Friends” in 1972.
He re-released his original album as a CD in April 2016. This has been re-titled “For My Friends-Kirk Felix 1972 Revisited.” Kirk is currently in the studio, recording an album of all original works, to be released in the Spring of 2017.
Facebook Group Page:
Organized, hosted and videoed by Brenda Clews:
Here are photos, to see everyone's names, please go to the Poetry and Music Salon photo album on G+.

If you'd like to see it again, or missed it, here it is! The full June 2016 Salon - a GORGEOUS Salon! We live in a city of talent!
direct link: September 2016 Poetry and Music Salon
In order of appearance:
1. Jim McCuaig 1:42
2. Jennifer Hosein 6:38
3. Daniela Oana 11:23
4. Jovan Vuksanovich 15:28
5. Brenda Clews 20:13
6. Karen Shenfeld 25:41
7. Sharon Goodier 29:52
8. Karen Lee (feature) 36:42
9. Linda Stitt (feature) 56:58
10. Michael Mirolla (feature) 1:12:45
11. Kirk Felix (feature), accompanied by Kevin Jeffrey, Sean Peever and Darlene Sacks 1:27:34
NEW YouTube channel: (with everything in the old one added but of course not all the view counts)
Old YouTube channel:
Bios of the Features:
LINDA STITT’S mother read poetry to her in the womb and she emerged crying in iambic pentameter.
For eighty-four years, we haven’t been able to shut her up.
The author of a clutch of novels, plays, and short story and poetry collections, MICHAEL MIROLLA describes his writing as a mix of magic realism, surrealism, speculative fiction and meta-fiction. Publications include the novel Berlin (a 2010 Bressani Prize winner); The Facility, which features among other things a string of cloned Mussolinis; and The Giulio Metaphysics III, a novel/linked short story collection wherein a character named “Giulio” battles for freedom from his own creator. Other publications include the short story collection The Formal Logic of Emotion; a punk novella, The Ballad of Martin B.; and two collections of poetry: Light and Time, and The House on 14th Avenue (2014 Bressani Prize). His short story collection, Lessons in Relationship Dyads, from Red Hen Press in California, came out in 2015, while the novel Torp: The Landlord, The Husband, The Wife and The Lover, set in 1970 Vancouver, was published in the Spring of 2016 with Linda Leith Publishing out of Montreal. The short story, “A Theory of Discontinuous Existence,” was selected for The Journey Prize Anthology, featuring the best short stories in Canadian journals for that year; and “The Sand Flea” was a U.S. Pushcart Prize nominee. Born in Italy and raised in Montreal, Michael now makes his home in the Greater Toronto Area. For more information,
KAREN LEE: poet / vocalist / actor / voiceover artist
“I love sound. I specialize in voice. I articulate creative vision.”
Karen Lee is most captivated by Voice. Sound. Beat.
Art speaks freedom, bondage, fear, truth and the struggle for truth.
Her voice beats raw and bold in its telling.
Classically trained, soulful soprano, she vibrates a rich lower register. Collective credits span live, solo, session, choral, wedding, theatre, lm, TV, radio, commercials, new media.
Karen Lee’s Rewind My Selecta and Naked are published in Black Girl Talk (Sister Vision Press), 1995.
KIRK FELIX is a Richmond Hill-based singer/songwriter who considers himself an “Old Folkie.” He believes that a “good song” is one that has a catchy tune and sends a message many can relate to. He has always loved Folk Music. He’s performed at coffee houses throughout the US, Europe and the Far East in the early 70's. He opened for John Denver in 1972. He performed at Winterfolk 2016 as part of “The Best of Dr. B’s Acoustic Medicine Show and in April as part of the “The Out of Towners” show at the Free Times Café on College St. This is a monthly event that is sponsored by the Best of Dr. B’s Acoustic Medicine show. Kirk appears regularly at many Open Mics in the GTA and York Region. He along with Tom Hamilton recently appeared on Rogers Daytime, in the York Region in May. He recently appeared was on the Diva and Don Early Morning Show on Whistle Radio CIWS 102.9 FM. Kirk recently appeared at the Words and Music Salon hosted by Linda Stitt at Vino Rosso`s on Bay Street and at the Plein Air Garden Concert Series in August Kirk released his only LP -“For My Friends” in 1972.
He re-released his original album as a CD in April 2016. This has been re-titled “For My Friends-Kirk Felix 1972 Revisited.” Kirk is currently in the studio, recording an album of all original works, to be released in the Spring of 2017.
Facebook Group Page:
Organized, hosted and videoed by Brenda Clews:
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