Thursday, March 12, 2015

Journal Entries 6 and 7

Yesterday was a good day. It was lovely and sunny and warm (5°C but that's hot after what we've been through!) and so I was able to work in the studio portion of my apartment. I finished the little paintings you see below.

By 9pm, I had also finally finished editing a novella I wrote in 2011. I wrote it very quickly, in less than a month, and had forgotten some of it - which was good since the fresh read helped with the editing. It still needs a working title and an ending, and then this phase is done.

I went to bed at 10pm and essentially slept until 8am - after a sleepless week of pushing myself relentlessly through finishing the editing of a harrowing tale - I feel well rested and almost ready to tackle the next project (of which there are always many). First, though, finishing that novella... my plan is to get it out by Monday.

6 Journal Entry - ©Brenda Clews - 27 Feb + March 11 2015, 5.5"x8", 14x20.3cm, mixed media, Strathmore 400 Series 80lb toned gray sketch paper acid free.

5 Journal Entry - ©Brenda Clews - 26 Feb + March 11 2015, 5.5"x8", 14x20.3cm, mixed media, Strathmore 400 Series 80lb toned gray sketch paper acid free.

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