Monday, February 18, 2013

Detail of Untitled Unfinished Drawing

Copper, silver and gold leaf, and an angel with spiked wings.

Unbelievable that this took the entire afternoon. Detail of Untitled Unfinished Drawing, 2013, Brenda Clews, 28.5cm x 42cm, 11 1/4" x 16 1/2", graphite, India ink, copper, silver and gold leaf in a Moleskine A3 Sketchbook.

Not the best lighting perhaps, but I'm tired, and took about 30 photos and this one will have to do for now.

I had intended to paint it, quite lightly so as not to disturb its quality, but looking at it on a table-top easel, and re-considering, I may only ink in the pencil lines with the grey ink the man is in. Below is the original full sketch, drawn a month ago. Paper in a Moleskine is a pale creamy yellow, as in the painting (albiet it's a bit darker but I used daylight bulbs and what you see was the closest I could get to the original), so I must have over colour-corrected the sketch.



  1. I think it is amazing that it only took an afternoon. Excellent and very beautiful, Brenda.

    1. Thank you, Kathryn, I really appreciate your comment. I did the drawing a few weeks ago and today began to apply the leaf, which is very fragile, and which took hours. Can't believe the day is gone. Lol. You know about that!


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