Sunday, June 26, 2011

Silver-Tint Photo

...the mask was exactly what she was searching for, exactly
what she needed: a face threaded over her face,
a light threaded over her light.

You speak, and the mask begins to speak,
and the listening takes fire.

Dale Favier

                  Slipping away, between

(click photos for larger size)

Dale's Mask slightly paraphrased, a change of pronoun


  1. Yours is definitely, by far, unquestionably my most favorite blog! Keep creating, I'll keep enjoying. Bless your creative heart!

  2. Wow, Thank you! Wonderful. I'm so honored!

  3. Dale you are most awesome!!!!

  4. As Brenda is incredible!!!

  5. Dear Bob, blushing, hey that's so nice - thank you! Maker of thunder drums from lightning-struck trees... I am honoured, my friend.

  6. Dear Dale, when the artist -poet, musician, photographer- whose work has inspired or is somehow aligned with what I am trying to express approves of a piece, I am so relieved! I hope I honour your work appropriately. Your writing is brilliant, as is the pulse behind your words. Thank you!

  7. Joyce, yes! and thanks!


Is there still a blogging community?

It feels amazing to be blogging again. But I don't know where other bloggers who might connect to my blog might be. The crowd in the old...